WEEKLY MENU 07.26.20

We’re screaming towards the end of July during the Weekly Menu 07.26.20 and we’re doing it with easy, fast meals.

The picture for our Weekly Menu 07.26.20 is from a site called Unsplash. It’s dedicated to nothing but pictures – all kinds of pictures. No words, no preaching, just a huge variety of photos taken all over the world. It’s an awesome site to page through.
I like abstract paintings like this one because they are so BRIGHT and bold. I also secretly think I could paint an abstract piece of art. It’s probably not true, but I’m sticking with it. Everything doesn’t have to be difficult.
I watch a LOT of cooking shows.
They’re mindless, they’re fun and usually the food looks amazing. Plus they’re NOT the news or social media. Lately, though, it seems like everything is a huge process. Bert was sitting here one morning checking his emails with the TV on in the background, when he looked up and said, “It’s cooking – not rocket science. Geez.”
I think in order to take things to the next level, they’ve gone overboard with the process. Our Weekly Menu 07.26.20 is kind of a throwback – almost everything on it is from my cookbook, and the meals are simple, satisfying and fast. Maybe there’s a time for involved recipes, but it’s not this week!
You read that right – I wrote a cookbook.
If you want to see more about it, check it out here. It’s called The Well Seasoned Mom…Begins and I wrote it before our oldest moved into his first apartment. It has a lot of the boys favorite foods, and it is ideal for easy eating. The Pizza Dip, Juicy Lucy Burgers, Spicy Pulled Pork and easy Chicken Parm are all in there. Oh, and if you sign up for the mailing list, you’ll get a coupon code for 10% off.
Okay. Enough of the shameless plug ~ time for the menu! We’re grilling Sunday, going low carb on Monday and we’re Mexican influenced on Tuesday and Saturday. The pulled pork is doing double duty: over mashed potatoes on Wednesday, and gussied up with melty cheese, guacamole, and jalapenos on Saturday. Can. Not. Wait.
WEEKLY MENU 07.26.20