WEEKLY MENU 04.24.22

It’s National Skipping Day during the Weekly Menu 04.24.22, but I veered off course and went with jumping rope instead.

The Weekly Menu 04.24.22 includes “National Skipping Day” to start the week. I planned on incorporating it but got distracted with the possibilities, so we’re going all in on jumping rope instead. What can I say? It started at skipping rope and morphed from there.
Are you immune to the charms of Google? I wish I was. You start on one thing and the next thing you know, you’re doing full on research on the health benefits of skipping, err, I mean, Jumping Rope. Skipping, according to Wikipedia is:
Skipping may refer to: The hippity-hoppity gait that comes naturally to children
At first I was insulted, because, frankly, I am no child and I can still skip with the best of them. In fact, I often do that instead of running. Easier on the knees. But then I read on in the skipping category, and…
Skipping may also refer to: A game or form of exercise using a skipping rope
And off I went.
We’re heading toward summer (we’re already at the Weekly Menu 04.24.22!) and I immediately had a vision in my head of Rocky. Not running up all those stairs {{shudder}}. Jumping rope. If it’s good enough for him, it’s good enough for me. Besides, I’ve been looking for a walking substitute. Because, as you are probably aware, walking is boring as hell, regardless of how good it is for me.
Most of the jump ropes I remember are reminiscent of the ones in the post picture. (Affiliate links follow – see Disclaimer Page for Details.) Apparently, we’ve come a long way, baby. THIS is what you get when you look at Amazon:

This one counts for you! (And ties into an app)

This one comes with safety gloves~

I’ll probably order this one. Because it’s gold.

That’s how I’m celebrating National Skipping Day during the Weekly Menu 04.24.22. Ordering myself a pretty jump rope.
What’s for eats on the Weekly Menu 04.24.22?
Glad you asked. We’re supposed to be having some nice weather early in the week and getting whammied with another cold front nearer the end. So the grill is in use on Sunday and Tuesday, and we’re having soup again on Friday. Sigh. I doubt it’ll snow. Probably. Maybe? I hope I get the jump rope before that.
You might notice that we don’t have dessert on the Weekly Menu 04.24.22, which is unusual for us. But, guys. We still have 3/4 of a carrot cake, and about half each of the Coconut Cake we had for the OG Baby Boy and the Cookie Cake we had for D. Plus there is leftover Easter candy. I can’t even.
If you didn’t celebrate two birthdays and Easter last week and are jonesing for something easy and really, truly satisfying, try no-churn ice cream. I love Cinnamon Heath Crunch No Churn Ice Cream, but Toasted Coconut No-Churn Ice Cream is divine as well.
WEEKLY MENU 04.24.22