WEEKLY MENU 12.04.22

Keeping up with the presents during the Weekly Menu 12.04.22 ~ in theory, anyway.

What’s the plan during the Weekly Menu 12.04.22? Keeping up with the presents as they come into the house whether via delivery (YAY!) or hauled in from the trunk. In theory, anyway. If you need some ideas, check out this list:
I don’t like the mall. At all. So the list above is how to get everyone taken care of, fabulously, without heading to that heinous place. Plenty of local, small business ideas in there too. Just saying. Click and marvel.
The plan around here has always been three presents for each boysie, just like Baby Jesus. Of course, that never flies for long, and we tend to give five presents a kid. One of those was always from Santa, back in the day, but the rest were from Bert and I, because it irritated me that Santa got all the credit. It also helped explain all the wrapped presents on top of the breakfront, if anyone had ever asked. (Which they did not.)

No hiding presents for us. I was always afraid I’d forget where I actually put them. Plus, hauling them out to put under the tree was much easier when they were centrally located. As you can see, I’m not much for ribbons – they always seemed like a waste of time and money.
But I’ve become completely addicted to wrapping videos. Have you seen any of these? I could (and have) watch them for hours. (Damn you TikTok.) I doubt that I’ll actually use any of the methods, but it’s early going yet.
I’m going ahead, hoping you came back to this post after getting (possibly) sucked into the wrapping rabbit hole.
Anywho, keeping on top of the presents as they come in makes it much less of a chore. I even have a “wrapping station” – it’s where I keep the rolls of paper, the tape, and the scissors: in the bench in the kitchen. And I use the counter to wrap on, which is a good reason to wipe down the crumbs consistently.
Time for eats: Weekly Menu 12.04.22 ahead~
I feel like I’m dwelling when I talk about the price of protein lately, so just know that we plan on using the cheaper cuts for our everyday meals, or we skip the meat almost entirely. There’ll be plenty of time to splurge on a beautiful piece of meat later in the month.
So we’re starting out the Weekly Menu 12.04.22 with a tried and true (super cheap) recipe. Hungarian Beef Goulash makes stew meat or a chuck roast absolutely divine. It’s perfect for Sunday dinner, because it cooks for a while, but the actual time for prepping is pretty minimal. Boiled, buttered, herbed baby spuds are an almost must-have with the meal. I’m probably more excited about those than the beef. Maybe not.
Bert bought a half gallon of eggnog while we were decorating last week, and that is easily a quart more than we needed. So we’re having Eggnog Cake for Sunday dinner. I’m pretty much winging it – we’re going to make it with a boxed mix that I make according to the package directions, using eggnog instead of the water. Then I’ll poke holes in the cooked cake with the end of a wooden spoon and pour a combo of eggnog and sweetened condensed milk across the whole thing while it’s still warm. It’s a take on a poke cake that I’m not entirely sure will work.
Fingers crossed!
We’re going meatless on Wednesday with a fabulous mac and cheese that made it’s way onto the Thanksgiving Menu this year. It was the most popular side dish, by far. Obviously wonderful if it’s made the cut again, and so soon. I can’t actually locate a recipe, so I’ve watched the video link about a million times and written it down all the components. Let me know if you can find the recipe anywhere – or if you need ingredient quantities!