WEEKLY MENU 11.03.24

We fall back during the Weekly Menu 11.03.24, and sunset will be earlier. Comfort food will make dusk shine~

Daylight Savings Time ends during the Weekly Menu 11.03.24. There are only two positions on the slowly dwindling hours of sunlight leading up to the Winter Solstice – you either love it (like me) or you hate it (like Bert). The end of DST this weekend ratchets up the evening dimness, throwing me full-on into candle mode. I’ve never seen or smelled a candle I haven’t loved, especially at this time of the year. They add so much ambiance to every area they’re in that I light, light, light.
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My favorite place to buy candles is probably TJ Maxx, although Dollar General also has a nice selection. I receive a LOT of candles as gifts, which makes me a very happy camper. Amazon has plenty of candles you can buy in bulk, which is fantastic on a tablescape – plan now for Thanksgiving – you can use oodles of tapers to make a big statement without a lot of money. You can buy a pack of candle holders at Amazon, although Dollar Tree has cute candle holders that you can buy in mass quantities, too. You can use tea lights – they come with their own holders, and look great scattered across the table.
Or you can use both, which is what I like to do.
The more the merrier, as I always say. Since it’ll be dark while we’re eating during the Weekly Menu 11.03.24, I should probably get some more candles to stock up my candle drawer. Yes, I have a whole drawer devoted to tapers, sorted by color. The really big candles are in a cabinet. I might have a little problem.
Anywho, we’re ready to head into deep fall and the gloaming. I love that word, and I don’t think it gets used enough. How about you?
If gloaming makes you think of tartans and bagpipes, you’ve got a good ear and a good eye; we picked up gloaming from the Scottish dialects of English back in the Middle Ages. The roots of the word trace to the Old English word for “twilight,” glōm, which is akin to glōwan, an Old English verb meaning “to glow.” In the early 1800s, English speakers looked to Scotland again and borrowed the now-archaic verb gloam, meaning “to become dusk” or “to grow dark.”
Merriam Webster
Weekly Menu 11.03.24
It’s voting time during the Weekly Menu 11.03.24. Pennsyltucky is a big deal in the grand picture that is the United States political stage. A fact we that we have been made well aware of by all the commercials on TV. I can’t wait until those stop, although Christmas ads will probably start immediately after. We need some serious comfort food to combat the whole damn thing.
BTW – it’s really not too early to plan for Thanksgiving – it’s coming fast! We have two guides: one for the full-on traditional meal is at:
Thanksgiving 101
And one that is for the newbie planning a more intimate meal:
Covid Thanksgiving – Small Batch and Easy
Back to our fabulous comfort food-filled Weekly Menu 11.03.24~ Sunday, we’re having a tasty and very easy sausage ragu on fettucine. We’ll start with pizzettes, which are tiny pizza appetizers, and Caesar Salad will provide the greenery.
Sammies start the week with Crispy Chicken Club Sandwiches. We’ll serve them with store-bought cole slaw and a handful of Sun Chips. Tuesday is finally election day, so we’re going full-on diner meal—because what is more American than meatloaf? I might even make an ice cream sundae or two to eat while we watch the returns.
Pork cutlets and smothered chicken take us through the rest of the week. Soup on Friday is Creamy Bean and Sausage. It’s new to us but it looks great.
WEEKLY MENU 11.03.24