WEEKLY MENU 09.03.23

Labor Day shows up during the Weekly Menu 09.03.23 but that’s not what we’re concentrating on~

What are we concentrating on during the Weekly Menu 09.03.23? Sunsets. Specifically the fact that sunsets are happening earlier and earlier at this time of the year.
We have waxed poetic (such as it is) about Labor Day often in the past. If you want to read all about the late, great Jerry Lewis, look no further than the Labor Day 2019 Menu. Last year was all about Labor and Delivery (not at all what the day is about, but it should be). That’s at Weekly Menu 09.04.22. If you want a fun, easy party menu, check out the Labor Day Party Menu. That last one talks a little bit about the fact that Labor Day really does indicate the beginning of the end of summer.
Bert always plans on being outside for the duration of the “longest day” each year.
The 2023 summer solstice occurred on Wednesday, June 21 at 10:57 a.m. Eastern Time, marking the longest day and shortest night of the year, as well as the first day of astronomical summer in the Northern Hemisphere.
And it’s all down hill from there. This week we were notified by a remarkably cheerful weatherman that we had just experienced our last sunset after 8:00 pm until next spring. There’s something that’ll bum you out. Especially Bert.
Now, Erieland is well known for our sunsets.
We are consistently in the top five sunsets in the world. (Seriously – look it up.) So an earlier sunset is both good and bad. Good in the sense that you don’t have to stay out late to watch it, but bad in that you have to plan where to watch and make sure you are in place on time.
A favorite location to watch the sun set is at Presque Isle State Park. (The post picture is a sunset photo taken from there. It’s from Unsplash by Megs Harrison.) The only problem with Presque Isle is that the speed limit there is 25 miles per hour, and they are dead serious about enforcing it. Plus, it’s where everyone goes, so it can get a little crowded on the road. Well worth the effort though. By December, one might need to leave work early to see the sun set. (EEK!)
For reference, on June 21, the longest day of the year, the Sun rises at 5:44 AM and sets 15 hours, 16 minutes later, at 8:59 PM, while on December 22, the shortest day of the year, it rises at 7:45 AM and sets 9 hours, 6 minutes later, at 4:51 PM.
Don’t tell Bert, but I love the early sunset. It’s the perfect time to light a candle (or six) and have a mug of tea or a glass of wine. Something to look forward to!
Weekly Menu 09.03.23
We’re doing a super easy Labor Day weekend this year. We’ll cook out on multiple levels to celebrate the unofficial end of summer. I know you can grill after the weather turns, but, honestly? We don’t. (Affiliate links follow – see Disclaimer Page for details.)
So Bert is smoking Sunday (on the grill) with the Weber Charcoal Kettle Grill that we got last year. On Monday, he’s grilling the chicken wings on our Weber Genesis Gas Grill. We went through grills every other year before we finally committed to the Weber Grills. They are pricey, but so worth it. We have had the gas grill for at least 7 or 8 years. We’ve had to replace a few parts that finally gave up the ghost because we use it so much, but they are still going strong.
And more grilling…
Also on Monday, Bert will fire up the Blackstone to make the grilled burgers and sausage. We just got a silicone griddle cover from Amazon that is supposed to help keep it from rusting. That’s a thing we didn’t know about before we got the Blackstone. Rusty hot dogs just don’t taste the same.
You might get the idea that Bert has a full kitchen on the patio with all these cooking options. And you’d be right! Picture him standing between these three grilling options. The grill and the Blackstone face each other, and the kettle grill stands sentry to the side.

I’m going to try to sweet talk him into lighting up the charcoal grill to “smoke” the homemade Baked Beans. Or I’ll just use the stove.
STOVE UPDATE: I think you’ll be as thrilled as me, dear reader, to hear that we took delivery on a replacement stove this past week. The really big news? IT. WORKS!!! It took almost six months, but KitchenAid finally got it taken care of. Yay!
WEEKLY MENU 09.03.23