WEEKLY MENU 08.20.23

We’re enjoying one of the seasons best during the Weekly Menu 08.20.23~

We’re savoring one of the bounties of the harvest during the Weekly Menu 08.20.23, which I’m sure you can guess, dear reader, based on the post picture. It’s time for Corn!
We would all happily eat 4 or 5 ears of corn for dinner, back in the day, which would prompt my (slightly concerned) Mother to note that corn was “what the piggies eat, dear.” I don’t (usually) eat that many ears at a time now, but I’m sure I could. I looked into the nutritional info on corn, and it’s really not as bad as all that. Here’s the biggy:
Aids digestion and gut health
Corn is high in insoluble fiber, which bulks up stool (poop) and prevents constipation. If you’ve ever noticed what looks like whole kernels of corn in your poop (or your kid’s diaper) it’s not because there’s a problem with your digestive system.
“Your digestive system breaks down the fleshy inside part of the corn kernel, which has the important nutrients, vitamins and fiber,” explains Homan. “Those kernels in your poop are the waxy, tough outer shell made of cellulose.” Your body can’t digest these fibrous shells. They ferment in your intestines, which is why you may feel gassy after eating a lot of corn.
Corn fiber also acts as a prebiotic. “Prebiotics feed the healthy bacteria in your gut,” she continues. “They help your digestive system break down and absorb nutrients from corn.”
Cleveland Clinic
Plus, Plus, Plus…
Helps improve eye health
A medium ear of yellow corn has almost 900 micrograms of antioxidants called lutein and zeaxanthin.
Protects your heart
Another 2018 study found that people with high cholesterol who consumed 4 tablespoons of corn oil a day in baked goods had lower cholesterol levels than those who consumed the same amount of coconut oil (also in baked goods).
Provides nutrients and vitamins your body needs to work well
In addition to fiber and antioxidants, those golden kernels have a lot of nutrients and vitamins.
Moderately affects blood sugar
Natural sugars in corn give the kernels their sweetness. But corn is still relatively low in sugar. A medium ear has 4 grams of natural sugar — less than a third of the sugar in a Red Delicious apple.
Corn’s low-sugar, high-fiber, complex-carb profile places it low on the glycemic index. “Your body gradually breaks down low-glycemic foods, providing a slower release of energy,”
Offers a healthy gluten-free option
Corn is naturally gluten free, making corn and corn products a great option for those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.
Cleveland Clinic
Turns out it’s not the corn, it’s the toppings. Of course that isn’t going to stop us. There aren’t many things better than a fresh ear of corn perfectly buttered and salted.
How do you eat your corn?
I’m a “typewriter” eater that likes nothing better than leaving the cob ready to be made into a pipe. Not shockingly, that probably indicates that I like things orderly and in place, and am analytical and rational. None of which bothers me, so, yeah.
The “rolling pin” people eat their corn by rolling it around in a circular motion. After each rotation, the eater goes on to the next column. These people are usually spontaneous, creative multitaskers.
The “shaver” cuts the corn off the cob. These people are usually neat and fastidious. Or lacking in teeth.
Some monsters take bites randomly, never really eating all the goodness. I don’t want to know what personality traits these people have. They make me crazy!
Speaking of crazy, these shirts made me giggle…

And this. I don’t know where you’d put it…

But we’ve all been there.
Weekly Menu 08.20.23
Sunday dinner during the Weekly Menu 08.20.23 – “Corn Edition” includes something I’ve actually never had: Elote, or Mexican Street Corn. We make Mexican Street Corn Casserole all the time (because it’s delightful and simple) but we’ve never made the original. That stops now. Of course, I can’t leave well enough alone, and Pinterest was a veritable landmine of options, so we’re adding a couple other corn recipes. I’m calling it a sampler!
In order to eat responsibly, I’ll cut the cobs into thirds, so everyone can taste all the options without exploding a waistband. The other options? Buffalo Grilled Corn, and Honey Siracha Butter Corn. Yeah. I might not touch the Fajitas.
We’re ditching the bread on Monday and making Pops Crispy Chicken Clubs in a lettuce wrap. They’ll be make-your-own, of course, but we’ll have the chicken, some ham, some bacon, cheese and Honey Mustard Dressing to drizzle. And corn fritters, because we want to make an adventure of the Weekly Menu 08.20.23.
We’re ending the week strong with the Ultimate Summer Pizza. Topped with corn, of course.
It didn’t show. In fact, I received an email from Whirlpool approximately three hours before our four hour delivery window telling me that it wouldn’t be delivered. Then I got not one, but two emails to set up a new delivery date, necessitating another call to corporate. Which takes a while. My temper finally got the better of me, and I told the very nice gentleman that the next delivery date was their last chance. DUN DUN DUN DAH. If it didn’t show, we were calling our lawyer. Yeah. I sounded a little Karen-like (apologies to those actually named Karen). Little do they know that our lawyer is my baby seester. Tee Hee.
WEEKLY MENU 08.20.23