Weekly Menu 08.19.18

Luckily summer isn’t over yet – I am going to fight it kicking and screaming, but school in it’s many forms is starting up for us soon, as it already has for many people. Everybody has their favorite foods around here, so it’s time to start trotting them out and onto the menu so we can all enjoy them pre-return to college. We have a great restaurant in town that serves lime cake, which is a favorite of our middle son. I found a recipe (man I love Pinterest) and we’re giving it a shot on Sunday.
We aren’t big wintertime grillers. Do a lot of people head outside when it’s snowing and blustery out? Yikes. I like to get a LOT of grilling in during the summer in order to average it out. This week Bert gets to do the honors three times.
Speaking of that, I must say we’re pretty lucky around here – Bert is an amazing griller. It took a little getting used to after we got married: saying DOLD wasn’t that good at grilling would be a massive understatement. We didn’t have the juicy, perfectly grilled burgers we can look forward to on Sunday – we had charcoal briquettes that were so thoroughly cooked they were hard to bite into. Don’t get me started on the havoc that man could wreak on a steak. He looked damn good manning the hibachi though. ♥
You might recognize that we had chicken fried pork tenderloin on the menu last week. Life intervened, as it will, and a better offer came up, so it didn’t get made. Recipe and pictures this week despite middle sons protestations. I promise.
Enjoy your week as the summer winds down.
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