Weekly Menu 08.05.18

I’m still making Bert cook any chance I get – so we can enjoy summer inside and outside.
We have an absolutely fabulous manufacturer of hot dogs (sausages, deli meat, bacon, ham) here in Erieland that makes the perfect hot dogs: Smith Provisions. They have grown into a regional powerhouse in the last dozen years or so, so Western Pennsylvanians and Eastern Ohioans may have heard of them too. We enjoy the hot dogs year round, but they are best grilled. I hope you have local purveyors where you live too. If not, look them up!
I’ve been making my own pasta sauce instead of using store bought when we have the time, and I’ve included the link below. It is ridiculously easy, but really makes a big difference to the finished product. Plus, it’s much cheaper.
The sausage noodle bowl is a fast, easy comfort food that is perfect for those nights when a bowl of soup in front of the tv is all you want. The mini-cornbread muffins with honey butter are the perfect accompaniment.
This coming week is the Italian Festival in Erieland (YIPPEE!) so there is plenty of delicious goodness coming our way. I hope you are enjoying whatever is happening in your neck of the woods!