WEEKLY MENU 07.14.19

When Ella Fitzgerald sang “Summertime and the livin is easy” she was obviously saying it tongue in cheek. Or she didn’t have kids to entertain.

Weekly Menu 07.14.19 has a week full of goodness that can be put together around any schedule!
I went to summer camp every summer when I was young. Me and the girls from Brazil were the only ones that stayed for the entire 6 week stint, although I occasionally got a Sunday visit from the parents. (Not every week, but most Sundays.) Looking back, I’m shocked that the ‘rents could do without me for that long. My brothers attended Camp Sherwin at the same time. Mom and Dad must have been destitute without all of us.
I adored almost everything about Camp Glinodo.
The cabins were more rustic lodges (with indoor plumbing) than actual cabins. They had four huge dorm rooms that were split up by age – the younger kids were closer to the Camp Counselors (who were almost always former campers). The older we got the farther we got from authority. A bit of mayhem ensued.
There was swimming, arts & crafts, archery, campfires and Snipe Hunts. There was horseback riding for the first few years. That I didn’t love. They scared the bejesus out of me.
But the FOOD!
Run by the totally cool Benedictine Nuns, our three squares were a study in good comfort food. We were running constantly, so fuel was necessary, and I am now and always have been a huge aficionado of cafeteria food. It was heavenly.
We ate dinner early so we had time for Canteen around 7. Nothing like an ice cold orange pop in a glass bottle and a Bit O’ Honey to set you up for a good nights sleep.
I was Junior Camp Spirit Girl one summer.
I got a full blown trophy at the awards banquet and everything. My brothers kept asking how I could trade up to become regular Camp Spirit Girl, but I’m sure they were just jealous of my success. I think that was the same year I was the lead in the Water Show. Good times.
Our boys went to Camp Notre Dame one summer. ONCE. For a week. They did not feel the same way about camp as I did. And they didn’t feel the need for bathing – since they were in the lake constantly.

It took another week to catch up on the laundry.
Busy, busy summer is the way of life around here. Erieland is gorgeous, of course, and we feel the need to do everything we can’t do in February. But it can be tiring without a plan. Use the Weekly Menu 07.14.19 as a base, and move around the super fast dinners (like Thursday night) to whatever night you’ve got a lot going on.
WEEKLY MENU 07.14.19