WEEKLY MENU 06.18.23

Father’s Day starts out the Weekly Menu 06.18.23 – so all hail Dad!

We’re celebrating Dad during the Weekly Menu 06.18.23 – and who deserves it more? They are the often unsung heroes of the family, and we’re beyond blessed with Bert. He is an awesome Dad, showing up each and every day, supporting us all with a quiet strength.
I’ve got a little bone to pick though – why, oh why, are Dads so darn hard to shop for? The ideas flowed fast and furious when it was Mother’s Day. Jewelry. Candles, Wine, Flowers, Candy. Books. Perfume. Clothes. You name it, sky’s the limit. It’s time for Father’s Day and what’s on tap?
Grill accessories and power tools.
Now Bert has it all going on with the grill, as you know, gentle reader. (Affiliate links follow – see Disclaimer Page for Details.) And he does have a new outdoor cooking implement in the Blackstone, but if he didn’t, getting him more tools for the grill would be akin to getting me a new vacuum cleaner. Sure, we might need one, (we actually don’t – we bought the Shark Vertex a few months back after a very compelling infomercial, and I adore it) but it just doesn’t seem entirely appropriate, if you know what I mean.
Don’t even get me started on tools. We have a drill. And a rotary saw. I am much happier when we don’t use either. Power tools are not our friends. I suppose a new hammer might come in handy, because we can never find it when we need it. But that’s because the tools are stored in No-Man’s Land. Bert and I have an unwritten rule – I’m pretty much in charge of the inside of the house, and he pretty much takes control of the outside. Of course that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t help out inside and vice versa.
But the garage is a conundrum. I maintain it’s not inside. And Bert maintains it’s not outside.
Hence – No-Mans Land.
With no one really in charge, there isn’t anyone getting bossy about putting things back. Nothing has “it’s own place”. It is not ideal. But I digress. The long and short of it is that we don’t need any tools (I don’t think), and getting Bert some for Father’s Day wouldn’t be a great gift. Again – kind of like a vacuum. Or a new broom, depending on the cost.
Another problem with getting gifts for Bert is that he, like many other men, goes ahead and buys what he wants with nary a thought for those of us wracking our brains trying to show how much we care on Father’s Day. I generally suggest gift cards to the boysies. Barber. Car Wash. Gas Card. Golf Round. All the stuff he uses and eventually runs out of.
Need more ideas? Check out:
Father’s Day – Honor Dad on His Special Day
There are a couple of menus in there too – not that we’re using either one of those this year. Bert is trying to decide between a Chicken Critter Salad and Steaks. I hope he tells me before noon on Sunday which one he prefers.
And I would be remiss if I didn’t honor my Dad, who was one of the very best. I miss him every day.
Papa-isms – Unsurpassed Fundamentals Delivered by an Old Time Dad
I’ve mentioned it before, but Bert doesn’t like many chain restaurants. He does enjoy himself some Texas Road House eating. What does he get at the nationwide steakhouse? The Chicken Critters Salad. It’s on the Weekly Menu 06.18.23 as a possibility on Father’s Day. I’ll make a batch of Pops Crispy Chicken and add that to some greens, along with a mix of cheeses, some crispy bacon and hardboiled eggs. I’ll make some Honey Mustard too. Or we’ll have steak.
Either way, I’m making the Zebra Cakes. They are pretty indulgent, but it’s his day, and one of Bert’s favorites, so it made the cut.
I’m sick and tired of looking at the huge bag of fish sticks languishing in the freezer, so we’re using them in tacos on Tuesday. I’ll sprinkle on some chili powder and cayenne pepper before baking and treat them like regular taco filling from there. How bad can that be?
Wednesday is the official start of summer, so we’re going with a Patio Picnic. Hot Dogs and macaroni salad just scream “SUMMER” don’t you think?
WEEKLY MENU 06.18.23