WEEKLY MENU 05.26.19

It’s the unofficial start of summer with our Weekly Menu 05.26.19!

Weekly Menu 05.26.19 includes Memorial Day, and regardless of the weather, it’s the unofficial start to summer here in Erieland. We don’t even think about planting anything until Memorial Day around here – it’s not impossible that we’ll see more snow, but it is pretty unlikely.
Summer is also time for the Red, White & Blue holidays – this weekend is the most solemn of the three, honoring soldiers that have died in the line of duty. Because the holidays are summer ones, we try to mix it up with the burgers and hot dogs. They are always a favorite though, and a real go to for dinner all the time.
As I’ve mentioned before, Bert is absolutely amazing on the grill, so we incorporate a LOT of grilled foods at this time of the year.
The Weekly Menu 05.26.19 includes two nights of grilling!
After many years of struggling with mediocre grills (and replacing them at least every other year) we finally bought this Weber Grill (affiliate link). We love it, and it hasn’t steered us wrong yet. (And it’s been four years.)

Last Saturday we had grilled hot dogs while we watched a new lacrosse rivalry unfold. Middle son goes to Loyola in Baltimore, and Baby Boy has decided to attend Penn State in the fall. Loyola fell to Penn State, and I didn’t know whether I was supposed to cheer or boo.
So I just ate my hot dog quietly.
This is what we were eating last year at this time:
WEEKLY MENU 05.26.19

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