WEEKLY MENU 05.22.22

We’re finally planting during the Weekly Menu 05.22.22~

We’re beautifying Erieland during the Weekly Menu 05.22.22. Of course, Mother Nature is doing most of the work, which is lucky, because I don’t have what would be called a green thumb. I tend to forget that plants need water until they are droopy and well past the point of coming back. I try every summer, though, and plan on watering on a schedule instead of whenever I remember. Hope springs eternal and all that.
People that have known me a long time are surprised that I don’t have a way with plants – because, according to them, my mother was absolutely wonderful with all things green.
In the house I grew up in, Mom and Dad had converted the patio to a greenhouse. It wasn’t huge, but it was beautiful, and it was fully loaded with all sorts of plants that Mom tended to religiously. It was always humid out there, and smelled like the whole outdoors. I’ve never been, but it seemed like what the rain forest would smell like.
Another thing you’ll quickly notice during your first visit to the rainforest is the smell, which is similar to what you’d experience in a well-planted greenhouse: the combined scent of vegetation, moisture, soil, and decaying plants and wood. It’s not a bad smell — it’s the smell of life!
Anyone visiting the homestead would have seen it, because it was right off the back of the huge family room. Mom and Dad entertained a lot, and there were eight of us kids, so a lot of friends visited. And marveled at the resplendent greenhouse.
But Mom had a dirty little secret.
She didn’t have a green thumb at all. In fact, she had quite the opposite. She killed plants. All. The. Time. And she disposed of them behind the garage and replaced them before DOLD came home. There was a veritable mountain of dead vegetation back there. She unabashedly owned it too. She loved that greenhouse and was determined to keep it green no matter what.
And I am my mother’s daughter. Hence the planting. This year I even have a pot of peppers next to the pot of herbs. I’ll let you know how it goes.
What are we eating during the Weekly Menu 05.22.22?
I’m still in preparation for bikini season, so everyone gets to eat a little lower carb, at least meal-wise. Bert is grilling chicken wings and burgers for Sunday dinner. And I’d like to say we’ll eat on the patio, but springtime in Erieland is still raging on, and the constant threat of rain remains. He won’t use it, but we got Bert a fabulous umbrella last year for Father’s Day so he can stay dry while manning the grill. (Affiliate links follow – see Disclaimer Page for details.)

Pretty spiffy, huh?
Monday, we’re having Carne Adovada, which we were planning on having last week. Everyone had plans, though, and of course the pork roast that we bought was enormous, so Bert and I had salmon instead. ‘Twas tasty too.
Bert is cooking again on Wednesday, when we grill a big sirloin steak for a fabulous salad. The Cheddar Cheese Dressing is outstanding – it’s a take on Blue Cheese dressing that is milder but still creamy and delicious. And everyone likes cheddar, unlike Blue Cheese.