WEEKLY MENU 04.28.24

We’re paying homage to our favorite Super-Hero on the Weekly Menu 04.28.24

National Super-Hero day occurs during the Weekly Menu 04.28.24! Sure, the “holiday” that takes place on Sunday, April 28th, is one manufactured by Marvel. (There’s a shock, huh?) But they suggest several ways to commemorate it:
- Dress up: This day is the perfect excuse to dress up as your favorite superhero. Throw a cosplay party with your other superhero-loving friends, or go out with your children all dressed up to encourage them to do good deeds in their superhero suits.
- Watch your favorite superhero movie or read your favorite comics: With the expansion of the superhero universe in these past few years, you are spoiled for choice. Grab some popcorn and relive the best action shots of all the superheroes you love.
- Honor the real heroes in your life: Whether you thank them for all they do, surprise them with a gift, or dedicate a social media post to them, just remember that this day is about them too.
- Know that you too can be a superhero: If you do good, help others, and keep a positive attitude, you are sure to inspire people around you and become their hero.
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As a family with three boys, we’ve watched more than our share of super-hero movies. But one stands head and shoulders above the rest in our home and our hearts: Spider Man. The Toby McGuire version – not the old cartoon, although that’s how I was introduced.
To say the boysies took to Spidey would be an understatement. We had all the movies on VHS as well as action figures, stuffed dolls, cars, Legos, the glorious web spinner, and of course, t-shirts for days. They slept in Spidey jammies, but the big thing to wear was the Spiderman costume. They wore it for Halloween of course, but it was also daily attire, especially for D.
We ordered a replacement costume in January one year
Why? Because the nylon had so many runs in it. The hood/mask was HOT, so it spent most of the time on the top of their heads. The costume stank of cheap polyester and little boy, so it was washed almost every day. I had to sneak it into the washer – D wouldn’t take it off. He walked with me to the bus stop to pick up the OG every day wearing it, spreading imaginary webs everywhere.

Pretty sure we had a Spiderman for Halloween for 7 years running.
Weekly Menu 04.28.24
Bert decorated many birthday cakes in a Spiderman theme, but our Weekly Menu 04.28.24 doesn’t have any Spidey-themed items at all, thank God. That’s more of a Halloween thing rather than a random week in Spring. We are having some fabulous stuffed chicken for Sunday night dinner after starting with a homemade Chex Mix. We’re trying a new to us cookie for dessert – Butter Pecan. How bad can that be?
The weather is warming up, so we’ve got the crockpot in play twice this week. Super easy Sausage and Peppers on Monday and crowd favorite Shredded Chicken Joes on Friday.
Bert and I are banishing the boys and having a date night on Saturday. I’ve never made a “Reverse Seared Steak” but it intrigues me. A thick steak bakes in a low heat oven for a bit, then it’s seared quickly in a cast-iron skillet.
WEEKLY MENU 04.28.24