WEEKLY MENU 04.03.22

We’re going old school during the Weekly Menu 04.03.22, from appetizers to dessert~

We’re heading for comfort during the Weekly Menu 04.03.22 the best way we know how: going old school again and again. Sunday dinner starts with one of Bert’s faves – Port Wine Cheese. It’s the creamy cheese that you always gave the stank eye to growing up. It’s weirdly pink and remarkably spreadable. It actually does have wine in it – so maybe the kiddos should hold back. (And if you tell them that, they’re sure to love it.)
It is typically a blend of port wine and cheddar cheese, a sharp tasting cows’ milk cheese that is very popular in the United States and Great Britain. Port wine is a fortified wine with its origins in Portugal; hence its name. The wine is considered fortified because a neutral spirit is added to the vats during the fermentation process. This results in a sweeter wine with a higher alcohol content than standard wines and is often enjoyed as an after dinner or dessert wine.
Delighted Cooking
Chunky, crunchy pretzels are the best vehicle for the Port Wine Cheese, in our very humble opinion. Depending on your spread, you can even dunk a sturdy pretzel. We’re moving on from the Port Wine Cheese to Oven “Fried” Chicken Nugs – Parmesan Garlic style. Pops Crispy Chicken is super easy and it’s nowhere near as bad for us as actual chicken nuggets, even the frozen ones that aren’t deep fried. Score!
Scratch cooking is Old School.
So after we prep the chicken (which is ridiculously easy) we’ll make “Breakfast Potatoes” to go with. What are Breakfast Potatoes? They’re our take on a family favorite spud at Avanti’s, a classic diner in Erieland. (Affiliate links follow – see Disclaimer Page for Details.) I microwave cleaned, but unpeeled white potatoes until they are soft and cooked through (plus, you know, ridiculously hot), then chunk them up with a sharp knife (sometimes while wearing oven mitts). I heat a cast iron skillet over medium high heat and add a liberal splash of vegetable oil to the pan.
Super top secret tip ahead…
When the oil is shimmering, I add the potatoes in a single layer. (I use a bench scraper to move them to the skillet without burning my fingies.) Then, we sprinkle liberally with kosher salt and paprika. Here’s the tough part: DON’T MOVE THE POTATOES UNTIL THEY HAVE TIME TO BROWN. I mean it. Don’t shake the pan, don’t stir them around, don’t peak. After five minutes or so, start flipping with your handy metal fish turner. The spuds should be golden brown and crunchy.
It’s called a fish spatula because of it’s shape, but I promise you can use it for everything. And no, it’s not shaped like a fish.

Did you know you can make Brownies without a boxed mix? The first time I realized it, I was dumbfounded. I have to admit, I use boxed brownie mix most times, and add a little something to spice them up a ‘la Signature Brownies, but all you need is a single bowl and a few pantry ingredients to make them from scratch. I’m hoping to skip the grocery store on Sunday, so I’m going to get the cocoa powder out of the back of the pantry and whip up some homemades. What could go better with Brownies than some ice cream, chocolate sauce and nuts? I know what you’re thinking. Milk.
We’ll have a nice cold glass of that too.
Later in the week, we’re having easy (*NON-SCRATCHMADE!) Swedish Meatballs on a nice plate of Weeknight Mashed Spuds. Friday is a throw-back bowl of Lenten comfort: Cheese Ravioli in Broth. Baby Boy always thought the ravioli was floating in butter. I hated to burst his bubble, and he was truly bummed when he realized it was, in fact, yellow broth. It’s still delish, and a total throwback to my childhood. DOLD was a pro at combining pasta and broth to make outstanding comfort food. I’ll have to write up his Vermicelli Soup some day soon. I hope I can remember all three of the ingredients.
WEEKLY MENU 04.03.22