WEEKLY MENU 03.05.23

Do you have better things on your mind than what’s for dinner during the Weekly Menu 03.05.23? We do too! And we’ve got you covered~

In the interest of full disclosure, the following post (for the Weekly Menu 03.05.23) was originally uploaded for March 1st, 2020. It is a throwback, if you will. (Okay, okay. It’s a slightly altered forgery copy.) But Bert and I are off out and about, and I won’t be making dinner at all this week. I’m not going to say where we are away to, but it is very sunny, warm, and fresh fish options abound on all restaurant menus. Never fear though – the boysies are at home holding down the fort.
Any change to the published menu gets me in trouble with the boysies, and, occasionally, my brother MGM, who might be my biggest fan – he reads the blog every week, and asks why things have changed if he sees us somewhere we’re not scheduled to be. I don’t try to be misleading, but sometimes I get a better offer. What can I say? I have added a fresh-ish menu and new pictures for this week’s menu. I’m not a total schlub.
Going back in time to the original…
What would I rather be doing than dishes? Working on a bucket list trip. (Or anything, really.) I’d like to hit up Italy and eat my way through, one region at a time. Of course, wine pairings would be part of the fun too. And maybe a cooking class. Oh, and checking out a whole mess of churches. And a boat trip.
Our post picture is of one of the places we would absolutely have to get to during an Italy trip – the Amalfi Coast. I’m a sucker for a great door, and this is quite a door.
The Amalfi Coast (Italian: Costiera Amalfitana) is a stretch of coastline on the northern coast of the Salerno Gulf on the Tyrrhenian Sea, located in the Province of Salerno of southern Italy.
Like the rest of the region, the Amalfi Coast lies in a Mediterranean climate, featuring warm summers and mild winters. It is located on the relatively steep southern shore of the Sorrentine Peninsula, leaving little room for rural and agricultural territories.[4]
How gorgeous, hmm? Maybe I should add a little cliff diving to the itinerary. Nah. just kidding.
This next one is classic black and white – which makes it look like it’s circa 1950. It might be – I doubt much has changed. The storm clouds are fabulous in this pic.
Also not too shabby. How about this one? I like the Amalfi Coast better in color.

What does all this have to do with the Weekly Menu 03.05.23? Not a damn thing. Gratuitous travel shots. But winter finally reared it’s head again here in Erieland, and sunny, coastal pictures sparked my fancy. And I’d really love to get to Italy, sooner rather than later.
Anywho. What’s on your travel bucket list?
Back to the Weekly Menu 03.01.20. Errr 03.05.23
Beast always sounds good for Sunday din-din. If you’ve never tried it, give Mississippi Crock Pot Roast a shot. You’ll have leftovers for lunch that will knock your socks off.
Tuesday we’re having a low carb entrée, rounded out with a little brown rice for those not eating in a carb conscious manner. The peppers are stuffed with a creamy, cheesy sausage filling. How yummy does that sound? That’s how I’ve always done low carb – adding a side or two that the carb eaters are happy with to round out the meal. Everybody wins!
The Crockpot Chicken & Peppers are a fabulous, easy concoction that will warm up any evening. Super simple, we like them served over pasta to give the sauce somewhere to go.
Since our Weekly Menu 03.05.23 falls during lent, we’re going to either find a Lenten fish fry on Friday night or hit up Long John Silvers. We go to LJS once a year, during lent, and marvel at both how good the fish is and how greasy! And we always say we’re going to a fish fry, but seldom do.
Weekly Menu 03.05.23