WEEKLY MENU 03.03.24

Spring is being hinted at during the Weekly Menu 03.03.24, and we’re responding appropriately~

Why is Spring being hinted at during the Weekly Menu 03.03.24? According to the weatherman, March 1st heralded the start of “meteorological spring”, another made up phrase that has become normalized in the media over the last few years. What is it with meteorologists and all the new weather phenomena? Bomb Cyclone, Polar Vortex, Derecho, Atmospheric Lake, Firenado… the list goes on. According to Time Magazine, these weather events (and their new names) are because of climate change. Which makes a depressing kind of sense.
March is usually the last thing that heralds spring here in Erieland, but this year it looks like a real possibility. We’ve had less than 22″ of snow this season, and while we’ve had some cold days, it’s overall been a really mild, warm winter. So spring is actually coming soon, possibly earlier than usual. (Don’t want to jinx anything.)
March 5th “Holiday”
Falling in line with this time of year, Tuesday, March 5th is “Organize Your Home Office Day”. I don’t have a “home office” as such – I have a really pretty desk in the corner of our family room. This hub holds all the detritus of working from home, doing blogging, accounting and general family bookkeeping. “DESK” is a pretty common item on my To Do list most days. So a day devoted to Organizing the home “office” seems like a grand idea. And a good start for the all encompassing Spring clean out that comes soon. But not too soon!
It is still a little early for all things Spring, eating wise. The Weekly Menu 03.03.24 straddles the line between winter and spring, just like us!
Weekly Menu 03.03.24
Have you tried “Marry Me Chicken” yet? It’s a super easy main dish that is so tasty that it purports to elicit an almost immediate proposal from your sweetie. It is really good, but I don’t expect anyone to drop to a knee around here. I do expect some compliments on dinner, though.
Our appetizer on Sunday is a simple family favorite combo – Irish Cheddar Cheese on crackers with a dollop of fig jam. Any aged cheddar will work – the sharpness of the cheese is what makes this easy dish sing. I usually find the fig jam in the international section of the grocery store – apparently it’s a big deal across the pond.
After I clean out the home office, we’re having Chicken Tacos. I cut chicken breasts into small chunks (chicken thighs would work well too) then sauté with some S&P, chili powder, onion powder, paprika and cayenne sprinkled on. We’ve been totally digging hard shell tacos lately, so we’ll probably use Spicy Jalapeno Cheddar Flavored Stand and Fill Shells. They’re nice and hearty and have a super taste.
We’ve got the crockpot plugged in on Wednesday – for Slow Cooker Sausage & Peppers Sandwiches. Yum. And the plan for Saturday is “Greeks” – Hamburgers and Hot Dogs and French Fries doused in Greek Sauce. Hopefully we make it to the diner before they close this time!