Weekly Menu 02.24.19

The Weekly Menu 02.24.19 is a perfect pick me up for late winter.
Our Weekly Menu 02.24.19 does include a soup-like dinner (is chili a soup or a stew?) – but it also includes an easy Sunday family meal – a sassy crispy chicken sandwich, which seems more like summer to me. We have Mexican Street Corn Casserole too. In it’s purest form, on the cob with a thick sauce and cheese, it’s the perfect walking/eating food. This dish is just the best of the Street Corn in a casserole form. (FYI: The recipe makes a huge amount – so I always cut it in half.)
We’ve been away on one of the best trips ever.
So settling back in and catching up on the work we’ve missed is priority number one. This menu has a ton of quick, easy meals to keep everyone satisfied and keep the cook out of the kitchen so she can catch up on laundry.
We’ve been visiting our son who is studying abroad in France. He had the good sense to pick Lyon to study in, and we were there for several days before a single night jaunt to Switzerland and then on to Paris.
I’m not going to lie – the food is awesome.
And despite repeated warnings, we didn’t have one issue of a mean or unhappy waiter. They are a bit more reserved for the most part, but that’s a cultural thing.
My favorite France treat is Macarons. The picture on this menu shows several varieties. I had seen them often, but I hadn’t tried them until Lyon. Oh. My. Goodness. To say I was missing out was an understatement. Then we tried a pink praline dotted brioche bread that was out of this world. We had that sucker torn apart and consumed in under 5 minutes.
We ate a couple awesome dinners at bouchons in Lyon.
A Bouchon is like an exquisite, high end bistro. The crawfish gratin was out of this world in it’s very simplicity. It was fresh, seasoned perfectly and served piping hot. I’d love to get you a recipe for that – if I ever perfect it, I’ll get it published. Unlikely, but possible.
We ate at a spot famous for fondue in Switzerland, and ate more than a few Croc Monsiers in Paris. There were a few questionable ingredients from time to time, but overall the food was fabulous. The wine was out of this world, and super inexpensive. Sure, one more glass won’t hurt!
I have to admit though, I’m looking forward to treating us to some standard fare in this Weekly Menu 02.24.19 ~
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