WEEKLY MENU 02.09.20

Get Valentine’s day taken care in the am or pm during the Weekly Menu 02.09.20!

I’ve griped about my feelings about Valentine’s Day before, so I’m going to try to refrain from dwelling on how I feel about the Hallmark Holiday. I will say that we have two ways of enjoying it. Neither are crazy expensive, and neither one entails going out to an expensive, busy meal.
Did you know that Valentine’s Day is the feast day of a martyred Saint?
There are numerous martyrdom stories associated with various Valentines connected to February 14,[3] including a written account of Saint Valentine of Rome’s imprisonment for performing weddings for soldiers who were forbidden to marry and for ministering to Christians persecuted under the Roman Empire.[4] According to legend, Saint Valentine restored sight to the blind daughter of his judge,[5] and he wrote her a letter signed “Your Valentine” as a farewell before his execution.[6] The Feast of Saint Valentine was established by Pope Gelasius I in AD 496 to be celebrated on February 14 in honour of the Christian martyr, Saint Valentine of Rome, who died on that date in AD 269.[7][8]
That puts a little different spin on it, huh?
We’re starting out the week by cleaning out the pantry. Somehow we have multiple boxes of cereal just sitting in there, languishing. We have a couple (opened) bags of pretzel sticks too. Bert suggested whipping up a snack mix, which is a brilliant use of slowly staling staples. (Ha!)
We’re having a ham for Sunday dinner. It’s the perfect size for at least two meals. I’ll leave a bit of the leftovers in the fridge for sandwiches, but the rest will go into the freezer. My plan is to make a ham and scalloped potato casserole in a week or two. We are having a family favorite pie too – if you’ve never had Toll House Pie, take a gander. It’s super easy and delicious served warm with ice cream. Have you ever had a dessert not delicious served warm with ice cream? Me neither.
The Weekly Menu 02.09.20 has a throwback to my childhood too.
My Mom made an exceptional German Potato Salad, but it’s not something I make very often. The linked recipe is really similar to hers, with the exception of the celery seed. She didn’t add that and I’m not planning on it either.
We’re having the requisite Romantic Dinner at home on Friday. Bert is out of town Thursday night, so we’ll slip the Valentine’s Day Breakfast into Saturday.
WEEKLY MENU 02.09.20

The Spicy Snack Mix recipe is from The Cozy Cook. The very authentic German Potato Salad is via Taste of Home. Please try the Toll House Pie from A Family Feast. You’ll be glad you did! The Southwestern Kale Power Salad is from one of my favorite sites: Cookie and Kate.
Wondering about the Weekly Menu from last year this week? Look no further~