WEEKLY MENU 01.15.23

We’ve buttoned up dinner for the Weekly Menu 01.15.23~

Why are their buttons on the Weekly Menu 01.15.23? It’s chilly around Erieland (although we are seriously losing the Snow Globe Contest to Buffalo with our lack of inches). When I put on one of my very oldest coats, it was missing not one, not two, but three buttons. It’s a long coat, but that’s ridiculous. I didn’t want to, but I got out Mom’s sewing basket and got to work. Which got me thinking.
Do people still have sewing baskets?
Or am I seriously dating myself? I’ve had the basket for years but rarely use it, honestly. The best part about it are the bags (yep – I said BAGS) of buttons. Mom never threw one away. I’ve added to it over the years – whenever a button is attached to a new garment, it hits the basket. Otherwise I’ll never find it when it’s time to mend.
The buttons in the bag tell stories. One of my favorites is a cloth covered one that has a houndstooth pattern. It came from a favorite jacket of mine, and it was a well worn one – until it wasn’t. I’m not sure when it went to the Salvation Army or why, but I think of that jacket and miss it.
And the buttons I needed for my camel haired coat? They remind me of when I actually got the coat. Bert gifted it to me for our anniversary when I was heavily pregnant with our first baby. It didn’t actually button up then. So I wasn’t losing any buttons that winter.
I have a full set of big black buttons in their own bag. I was a project manager for a senior health center way (way) back in the day. When I entered the existing senior center (mid-winter), my coat was always wide open. Why? A. I was too young to care, and 2. because the coat had lost all it’s buttons. One of the women there finally got me that little bag of (super cute) black buttons after all her “tsking” did not work. Luckily the weather broke before I ever sewed them on. So into the basket they went.
Where do people put their extra buttons if they don’t have a sewing basket?
Mom’s sewing basket doesn’t do much for our décor, honestly, so it stays pretty well hidden. I have no idea where she got it either. It’s been around for a lot longer than I’ve had it, but it’s not vintage. Just a little old fashioned looking. It really isn’t her style either – she had fabulous taste in everything else. You should see my battery tin. (Affiliate links follow – see Disclaimer Page for details.) The same exact sewing basket style is still available though – check out this beauty:

They HAVE newer models, but they are nowhere near as much fun:

And you can actually BUY buttons. Who new? I thought you either inherited them or got them from your new shirt.

Anywho. It’s time to talk about the Weekly Menu 01.15.23.
We’re starting out the Weekly Menu 01.15.23 with a super simple, inexpensive and insanely tasty Italian dinner. The Sausage Bolognese is actually a ragu sauce (you can check out the difference in the recipe post). We’re pairing it with spaghetts, but any long noodle will work. We’ll buy some fresh made bruschetta and top some toasties with it, then melt a little bit of mozzarella on top. Simple and easy.
On Monday, we’re trying a new to us recipe that D proposed: General Tso Chicken purports to be easy and ready in 25 minutes. We’ll see about that. Reading the recipe took almost that long. (I kid.)
I showed Bert a recipe video a while back that was a divine looking Taco Biscuit Bake, but I can not find it again. We’re hoping the recipe that I did find is a close approximation. Fingers crossed!
WEEKLY MENU 01.15.23