WEEKLY MENU 01.08.23

There’s reasons why January is a favorite month around here – we’re honoring two of them during the Weekly Menu 01.08.23.

Celebrations abound in January – and they impact our Weekly Menu 01.08.23 so we hardly miss a beat from the holidays. We may de-deck before they begin, but the spirit is still there. Sunday starts our week out and it is our anniversary. Bert and I were married on a cold, snowy, definitely wintery Saturday twenty-nine years ago this year, if we make it that far. That’s a Papa-ism – he said something along those lines every time he and my Mom got to their anniversary. Fun fact: Bert’s birthday and their anniversary are on the same day.
And they enjoyed 51 years together.
Bert’s parents were happily married until Grandma Dolly passed away. So we have good role models. This anniversary isn’t a milestone one, but it’s still big in my mind. Twenty-Nine years is nothing to scoff at! When we got engaged in late May, poor Bert didn’t know what was coming. I called him the next day with the fabulous news that our home church (Saint Peter Cathedral) was available on January 8th. “This January 8th coming up? In seven months January?” Was his slightly flabbergasted response.

Best decision ever. Marrying him – not the date, although that worked out well too. Except for all the people that couldn’t make it because of the snow. But that’s a story for another day.
Love you, Bert.
See that darling young-in on the far right in the group picture? She’s the second reason we are celebrating during the Weekly Menu 01.08.23. That’s my very much younger seester. The best surprise ever in our family of seven kids growing up. I was 14 years old when she came along, and I was blessed with one of my most favorite people on the planet and my best friend (besides Bert). For years, people thought she was mine, which was amusing when she was little, but is a little less so now. Ahem.

She has acquiesced to coming up for dinner, and I’m making her favorite. We call them Chicken Crepes, but I don’t actually make crepes anymore. Back in the day, when boneless, skinless chicken breasts were a thing that other people bought, I created this recipe. It was a labor of love de-boning chicken for 10, but I did it. Then I made crepes, cooked the chicken with a little butter and a little onion before adding it to a cheddar cheese sauce. It was fabulous, if I do say so myself.
Turns out though, that the draw wasn’t from the crepes so much as it was from the cheesy, creamy chicken in sauce. So I ditched the PIA crepes and serve it over rice. YUMMY.
Her birthday is on Thursday. She became the first birthday of the year in our family when she came along. One of my older brothers had that honor before my little brother came along. F tossed them both out with her January award.
Love you F. Aurelia.
We’re eating simple during the Weekly Menu 01.08.23~
Other than the celebrations. Honestly, Bert and I are going out for our anniversary dinner, so Sunday is a free-for-all. I used to make the boysies Date Night Macaroni & Cheese when we had a sitter. Now they’re old enough to shinny on their own side, as DOLD would say. Chipotle will probably rule the day.
Meatless Monday is Red Beans and Rice, which cook all day in the crockpot, leaving me plenty of time to work on my other job. Year end accounting is on my horizon, which will keep me out of the kitchen until completely necessary. It’s one of my favorite things, honestly, because it’s a big puzzle that I get to solve and tie together with a little bow. (Affiliate links precede and follow. See Disclaimer Page for details.)
The Pork Milanese is last minute prep as are the fabulous Italian Sloppy Joes. Friday is another slow cook with the Split Pea Soup, but it has minimal prep, which is ideal. That’ll stick to our bones.
Weekly Menu 01.08.23