Tag: weeknight

WEEKLY MENU 06.14.20

WEEKLY MENU 06.14.20

June is in full swing for Weekly Menu 06.14.20 and the weather is fine! We’re grilling, we’ve got another Guest Chef on the horizon, and some road trips to plan. The post pic is of White Sands State Park in New Mexico. I was there 

WEEKLY MENU 06.07.20

WEEKLY MENU 06.07.20

Life is starting to get busy again, so the Weekly Menu 06.07.20 incorporates both the grill (yay Bert!) and the crockpot, both staples of our busy home during the summer. Life is still slowly (very slowly) returning to normal here in Erieland, but we are 

WEEKLY MENU 05.31.20

WEEKLY MENU 05.31.20

Holy cow! June is here ~ and our Weekly Menu 05.31.20 preps you for dinner every night. Some grilling, some old school dinners with a twist, and another Guest Chef! A huge boon of the Quarantine of 2020 has been the amount of time we 

WEEKLY MENU 05.10.20

WEEKLY MENU 05.10.20

Our Weekly Menu 05.10.20 ushers us into mid-May, starting with Mother’s Day and finishing up with a party for our favorite graduate! I’m looking out the window at snow falling on the flowers on our apple tree. Everything is upside down, isn’t it? A few 

WEEKLY MENU 03.15.20

WEEKLY MENU 03.15.20

Sticking around the house means more opportunity to COOK all week long using the Weekly Menu 03.15.20! We’re thrilled to have all our boysies home from college this week – and for the foreseeable future. A good side effect with everything going on in the 

WEEKLY MENU 12.15.19

WEEKLY MENU 12.15.19

A little planning makes our Weekly Menu 12.15.19 into the perfect spread of dinners, and lets you hit the grocery store once and only once. Are you a mulled wine fan? It can be served warm or cold, although it’s most common warm. Add spices