Tag: weekly

WEEKLY MENU 05.26.24

WEEKLY MENU 05.26.24

We’re observing Memorial Day this week, a solemn US holiday that heralds the unofficial start to summer. The Weekly Menu 05.26.24 includes plans for Memorial Day, which is a United States holiday observed the last Monday in May. It is one of several holidays that 

WEEKLY MENU 05.19.24

WEEKLY MENU 05.19.24

The grill is heating during the Weekly Menu 05.19.24! Our Weekly Menu 05.19.24 shows our love of outdoor cooking! We’re taking a heavy (but delicious) classic and lightening it up by taking away the breading and putting it on the grill. Grilled Chicken Cordon Blue 

WEEKLY MENU 05.12.24

WEEKLY MENU 05.12.24

Honoring the ever changing Mama name and role during the Weekly Menu 05.12.24~ Mother’s Day starts out the Weekly Menu 05.12.24, so we’ve got a shout-out to everyone that embodies that position in any way. Being a Mom is my most favorite job. Ever. I 

WEEKLY MENU 05.05.24

WEEKLY MENU 05.05.24

Start the Weekly Menu 05.05.24 with a Fiesta! The Weekly Menu 05.05.24 kicks off with Cinco de Mayo! Around here, Mexican food vies with Italian food as the family favorite. Certainly, it takes the lead in late-night eating. (Shout out to Taco Bell!) (Affiliate links 

WEEKLY MENU 04.28.24

WEEKLY MENU 04.28.24

We’re paying homage to our favorite Super-Hero on the Weekly Menu 04.28.24 National Super-Hero day occurs during the Weekly Menu 04.28.24! Sure, the “holiday” that takes place on Sunday, April 28th, is one manufactured by Marvel. (There’s a shock, huh?) But they suggest several ways 

WEEKLY MENU 04.21.24

WEEKLY MENU 04.21.24

World Book Day appears during the Weekly Menu 04.21.24! Weekly Menu 04.21.24 celebrates reading! World Book Day is Tuesday, April 23rd. This day aims to promote reading across all communities, encourage people to engage with different types of literature, and discover the benefits of reading.