Tag: weekly

Weekly Menu 08.12.18

Weekly Menu 08.12.18

We are starting to see the end of the summer on the horizon, but we are still grilling and running around like crazy. Everyone is available on Sunday (no work or sports – YAY!) so we are having a big grilled steak salad. To start 

Weekly Menu 08.05.18

Weekly Menu 08.05.18

I’m still making Bert cook any chance I get – so we can enjoy summer inside and outside. We have an absolutely fabulous manufacturer of hot dogs (sausages, deli meat, bacon, ham) here in Erieland that makes the perfect hot dogs:  Smith Provisions. They have 

Weekly Menu 07.29.18

Weekly Menu 07.29.18

We are starting out his week with some fabulous grilled tuna steaks. We are not one of those families where everyone loves everything every time. I make allowances in what I prepare, so on Sunday, a couple of chicken breasts will be on the grill 

Weekly Menu 07.15.18

Weekly Menu 07.15.18

July 15th?!?! This summer is just flying by, which is evidenced by the menu as well as the fact that the first of our festivals is upon us. Erie, Pennsylvania is a huge festival town. Because the winter can be harsh and long, the summer 

Weekly Menu 07.01.18

Weekly Menu 07.01.18

Weekly Menu for 07.01.18!!  July already? January doesn’t seem to go by quite as fast as June for some odd reason. July Fourth is on a Wednesday this year, so we may celebrate on Tuesday evening instead, which will allow for a more relaxed night, 

Weekly Menu 06.17.18

Weekly Menu 06.17.18

It’s Officially Summer. Hello good looking! The summer solstice this week represents the best of times and the worst of times. We have a lot of love for the longest day of sunlight for the year. (Does it bother anyone else when people say it’s