Tag: weekly

WEEKLY MENU 04.12.20

WEEKLY MENU 04.12.20

Another week coming up! Let our Weekly Menu 04.12.20 set the plan~ Sunday promises to be the oddest Easter ever. No mass, no guests, and no visiting. It can still be spiritual and special if we plan ahead and spend some time rejoicing! A Zoom 

WEEKLY MENU 04.05.20

WEEKLY MENU 04.05.20

We’re really getting into the hang of eating at home for three squares. Our Weekly Menu 04.05.20 gives you inspiration for dinner! We’ve been walking the neighborhood every day now. The sheer number of birds is pretty impressive. Because the leaves haven’t popped yet, you 

WEEKLY MENU 03.29.20

WEEKLY MENU 03.29.20

Sticking around the house doesn’t have to mean boring dinners – as our Weekly Menu 03.29.20 proves! In my experience, little boys really, really dig Legos. For many Christmases and birthdays, the ubiquitous Lego set was at the top of the wish list for our 

WEEKLY MENU 03.22.20

WEEKLY MENU 03.22.20

Did spring sneak up on you too? I didn’t see it coming, but we have a little homage (very little) during the Weekly Menu 03.22.20. One of the best ways to entertain yourself and your people is to COOK! Since we’re all sticking around home, 

WEEKLY MENU 03.15.20

WEEKLY MENU 03.15.20

Sticking around the house means more opportunity to COOK all week long using the Weekly Menu 03.15.20! We’re thrilled to have all our boysies home from college this week – and for the foreseeable future. A good side effect with everything going on in the 

WEEKLY MENU 03.08.20

WEEKLY MENU 03.08.20

Our Weekly Menu 03.08.20 will help you get a fast, frugal dinner on the table every night – while grocery shopping just once! Mid March means Saint Patrick’s Day! And we celebrate big here in Erieland. What’s not to like about it ~ besides the