Tag: weekly

WEEKLY MENU 07.12.20

WEEKLY MENU 07.12.20

We’re eating easy with the Weekly Menu 07.12.20 – and dwelling on the almighty sandwich. Perfect summer food makes us all happy! I was raised and taught to cook by a quintessential woman of the fifties. Mom rocked the beehive (her red hair made it 

WEEKLY MENU 07.05.20

WEEKLY MENU 07.05.20

Our Weekly Menu 07.05.20 allows ample time to get out of the kitchen and into the great outdoors for this first full week in July. One of the best parts about summer eating is how simple it is. There’s something so satisfying about a piece 

WEEKLY MENU 06.28.20

WEEKLY MENU 06.28.20

We’re testing out the limits of the grill with the Weekly Menu 06.28.20 – a Sunday roast beef will be lightly smoked and gently slow cooked to be the star of the show. My mouth is already watering in anticipation. The dessert of the week 

WEEKLY MENU 06.21.20

WEEKLY MENU 06.21.20

It’s a twofer celebration during the Weekly Menu 06.21.20 – Father’s Day and the first day of summer! If ever there was a year to celebrate ANYTHING, this is it. So getting a two for one makes me a little bit giddy. Here in Erieland, 

WEEKLY MENU 06.14.20

WEEKLY MENU 06.14.20

June is in full swing for Weekly Menu 06.14.20 and the weather is fine! We’re grilling, we’ve got another Guest Chef on the horizon, and some road trips to plan. The post pic is of White Sands State Park in New Mexico. I was there 

WEEKLY MENU 06.07.20

WEEKLY MENU 06.07.20

Life is starting to get busy again, so the Weekly Menu 06.07.20 incorporates both the grill (yay Bert!) and the crockpot, both staples of our busy home during the summer. Life is still slowly (very slowly) returning to normal here in Erieland, but we are