Tag: weekly

WEEKLY MENU 09.19.21

WEEKLY MENU 09.19.21

Avast ye! We’re celebrating International Talk Like a Pirate Day during the Weekly Menu 09.19.21. Savvy? The Weekly Menu 09.19.21 starts out with a bang (or, more likely, a cutlass slash) because we’re celebrating “International Talk Like a Pirate Day”. It is a little hard 

WEEKLY MENU 09.12.21

WEEKLY MENU 09.12.21

We’re keeping an eye on the sky during the Weekly Menu 09.12.21 ~ sunsets are getting earlier but no less fantastic! Summer is still actually in place, despite the Labor Day holiday last week, and the Weekly Menu 09.12.21 celebrates one of the best parts 

WEEKLY MENU 09.05.21

WEEKLY MENU 09.05.21

Our Weekly Menu 09.05.21 will make you look like a wise owl! Smart and easy, dinner for the family every night plus a celebratory Labor Day meal~ Why is there an owl on the Weekly Menu 09.05.21? Because they are so cool! I was sitting 

WEEKLY MENU 08.29.21

WEEKLY MENU 08.29.21

We’re starting the Weekly Menu 08.29.21 with an explosion of Spanish flare~ The Weekly Menu 08.29.21 starts out with a nod to Spain – we’re having a whole meal based around Spanish dishes. We love theme nights around here, whether they’re Italian, Mexican, Chinese, Breakfast 

WEEKLY MENU 08.22.21

WEEKLY MENU 08.22.21

The Weekly Menu 08.22.21 starts out with a summer fave: no-churn Ice Cream. How bad can a week be after that? I’ve mentioned it before: my Dad adored ice cream. DOLD felt it was his duty as a soon to be Papa to make sure 

WEEKLY MENU 08.15.21

WEEKLY MENU 08.15.21

We’re on the road again during the Weekly Menu 08.15.21. Heading into the mountains, but not on this road, thank goodness~ Did you think that we had a snake as the picture of the post for the Weekly Menu 08.15.21? Nope! I wouldn’t do that