Tag: weekly

WEEKLY MENU 11.06.22

WEEKLY MENU 11.06.22

It’s time (see what I did there) to fall back during the Weekly Menu 11.06.22~ We leaf (we’re punny today) Daylight Savings Time behind during the Weekly Menu 11.06.22. As usual, there is a big hoopla in the media about how many people want to 

WEEKLY MENU 10.30.22

WEEKLY MENU 10.30.22

It’s party central during the Weekly Menu 10.30.22~ we’ve got the early fall holidays covered. Halloween and the Day of the Dead fall into the Weekly Menu 10.30.22, but that’s not all: Thursday is National Sandwich Day. Yippee! It’s not too late to pull together 

WEEKLY MENU 10.23.22

WEEKLY MENU 10.23.22

We’re making sure the decorations are up to snuff for Halloween during the Weekly Menu 10.23.22~ We’re peering through the front windows, checking out our neighbors scary décor during the Weekly Menu 10.23.22. And honestly? Several of them are putting us to shame, although it’s 

WEEKLY MENU 10.16.22

WEEKLY MENU 10.16.22

We’re doing a (very) light dive into the Last Frontier during the Weekly Menu 10.16.22~ Alaska Day falls during the Weekly Menu 10.16.22 – this year it’s on Tuesday, October 18th. What is Alaska Day? It celebrates the anniversary of the day the territory was 

WEEKLY MENU 10.09.22

WEEKLY MENU 10.09.22

We’re acknowledging Columbus during the Weekly Menu 10.09.22 but we aren’t celebrating him, exactly. No celebrations during the Weekly Menu 10.09.22 is practically unheard of, but I’m just not sure that Columbus really deserves it. First of all, we know that he didn’t actually discover 

WEEKLY MENU 10.02.22

WEEKLY MENU 10.02.22

Holy guacamole, Batman! It’s National Taco Day during the Weekly Menu 10.02.22~ You read that right: National Taco Day is October 4th, and it falls on Tuesday on the Weekly Menu 10.02.22. How serendipitous is that? I just have to say it. Can there be