Tag: under 30

WEEKLY MENU 03.06.22

WEEKLY MENU 03.06.22

We’re celebrating Cletus during the Weekly Menu 03.06.22. Who is Cletus and why are we celebrating him during the Weekly Menu 03.06.22? I should preface this with the knowledge that we are not pet people. We had three dogs the entire time I was growing 

WEEKLY MENU 02.20.22

WEEKLY MENU 02.20.22

We’re looking out the window, past the ice and snow to see welcome visitors in our backyard during the Weekly Menu 02.20.22. What are we looking at during the icy cold conditions that exist during the Weekly Menu 02.20.22? Bright red cardinals, of course! But 

WEEKLY MENU 02.06.22

WEEKLY MENU 02.06.22

We’re dreaming of warmth during the Weekly Menu 02.06.22 while we huddle by the fire. What’s inspiring our dreaming? The beautiful blue waters of exotic locales. The post picture is of the gorgeous Maldives. What are the Maldives? Maldives officially the Republic of Maldives, is an archipelagic 

WEEKLY MENU 01.23.22

WEEKLY MENU 01.23.22

We’re planning on staying OUT of the kitchen during the Weekly Menu 01.23.22. Our Weekly Menu 01.23.22 is all about the one-pan meal. Why? I love cooking. But sometimes? I need OUT of the kitchen fast. Of course, we still need to eat, but getting 

WEEKLY MENU 01.16.22

WEEKLY MENU 01.16.22

We’re planning on comfort food during the Weekly Menu 01.16.22 because the ice is finally settling in. The ice on Lake Erie has finally begun to form, so we’re leaning heavy into comfort food during the Weekly Menu 01.16.22. We love ice around Erieland – 

WEEKLY MENU 11.28.21

WEEKLY MENU 11.28.21

Time to start the decking of the halls during the Weekly Menu 11.28.21~ We’re decking the halls and setting up the trees during the Weekly Menu 11.28.21. And having a giggle about what stays with the boysies during the whole process. A rite of passage