Tag: under 30

Baked Honey Mustard Pork Chops

Baked Honey Mustard Pork Chops

Simple Honey Mustard Pork Chops energize run-of-the-mill! Honey Mustard Pork Chops are a natural progression for us. And I think you’ll love them too! When the boys were really little, we went through vats of Honey Mustard. Our favorite restaurant had their “Own” recipe – 

Quick Pickles: Easy How To

Quick Pickles: Easy How To

Quick Pickles: Fresh veggies, no scary canning! Heating up the brine is the only cooking involved in making these delicious Quick (refrigerator) Pickles. Use your favorite veggies and go to town with taste! About this time every year, Facebook, IG and the Twitterverse come alive 

Fried Donut Holes – Ridiculously Easy!

Fried Donut Holes – Ridiculously Easy!

Simple Fried Donut Holes are absolutely perfect with cider! Frying Donut Holes using store bought biscuit dough (is there anything that stuff can’t do?) is easy, fast and soul satisfying. I like my donut holes bare, right out of the fryer, but they are even 

Chive Chicken Moves Dinner along!

Chive Chicken Moves Dinner along!

Chi Chi Chive Chicken not so misunderstood~ Break the rule that says dinner has to be difficult and time consuming with Chive Chicken! This fast, easy chicken breast recipe goes from the fridge to the table in 20 minutes. Prep a couple of side dishes 

Creamy Rice and Four Bean Salad

Creamy Rice and Four Bean Salad

Gluten Free Rice and Bean Salad is an uncommonly good side! Good News: If you’re looking for a switch up from pasta or potato salad, you’ve found it. This naturally gluten free salad is, all modesty aside, a perfect mashup of Creamy Four Bean Salad 

Spiced Fries Will Rock Your World!

Spiced Fries Will Rock Your World!

Surprisingly simple Spiced Fries will rock your world~ Are Spiced Fries going to beat out the hot and crispy fries from your favorite burger joint? Of course not. What they will do is make for a fun and fast side dish that’s versatile and can