Tag: 5 and under ingredients

WEEKLY MENU 03.23.25

WEEKLY MENU 03.23.25

Crunching through the Weekly Menu 03.23.25 is the only way to go! Where is the crunch coming from on the Weekly Menu 03.23.25? Potato Chips! Turns out that National Chip and Dip Day is this week. And since potato chips are near the top of 

WEEKLY MENU 02.23.25

WEEKLY MENU 02.23.25

Dinner should be as effortless as a hot-air balloon ride—float through the Weekly Menu 02.23.25! We’re up, up, and away. WHY are there hot-air balloons on the Weekly Menu 02.23.25? Honestly? I liked the picture. Then I looked into it further and got information about 

WEEKLY MENU 02.02.25

WEEKLY MENU 02.02.25

There’s a rodent on the Weekly Menu 02.02.25, hopefully peering out and NOT seeing his shadow. We’re not consuming the rodent on the Weekly Menu 02.02.25. We’re just including a cute, very chill picture of same. But guess what? You can eat them, and they’re 

WEEKLY MENU 01.26.25

WEEKLY MENU 01.26.25

The Weekly Menu 01.26.25 combines two ideally suited special days~ What days are we celebrating during the Weekly Menu 01.26.25? You can probably guess one from the post picture, dear reader. Hot Chocolate! Can there be a better time of the year to get that 

WEEKLY MENU 01.12.25

WEEKLY MENU 01.12.25

Hole-y moly, it’s bagel day during the Weekly Menu 01.12.25! National Bagel Day shows up during the Weekly Menu 01.12.25, and while I won’t say we’re celebrating bagels on the menu, I will say they made the cut. What ARE we celebrating during the Weekly 

WEEKLY MENU 12.08.24

WEEKLY MENU 12.08.24

Weekly Menu 12.08.24 is here for the ride into mid-December! HOW can the Weekly Menu 12.08.24 already have us through half of December? We’ve been experiencing something of a snowmageddon here in Erieland this past week (see this GoErie article for deets) and one thing