
Weekly Menu 07.01.18

Weekly Menu 07.01.18

Weekly Menu for 07.01.18!!  July already? January doesn’t seem to go by quite as fast as June for some odd reason. July Fourth is on a Wednesday this year, so we may celebrate on Tuesday evening instead, which will allow for a more relaxed night, 

Firecracker Chicken Bites

Firecracker Chicken Bites

  How appropriate are Firecracker Chicken Bites for the week of July 4th? These are simple, satisfying appetizers that are usually gone in a flash (bang)!   This recipe comes together in a hurry: while the pan is heating up, cut the chicken and season 

July 4th 2018 Menu

July 4th 2018 Menu

Happy Fourth of July! There’s a lot on this menu, but almost everything can be made in advance, and it is, basically, hamburgers and hot dogs ♥.  We have two factions here: the potato salad lovers and the pasta salad lovers (I’m the potato salad 

Toasted Coconut No Churn Ice Cream

Toasted Coconut No Churn Ice Cream

Toasted Coconut No Churn Ice Cream just sounds awesome, doesn’t it? It tastes better. It also lends itself to toppings – hot fudge sauce makes an already rich confection decadent. The best part about this recipe, though, is that it doesn’t require any special equipment. 

Baked Bruschetta

Baked Bruschetta

This Baked Bruschetta checks all the boxes for my favorite appetizers: it’s fast, it’s easy, it’s 3 ingredients, we use premade items, and the leftover bread is served with dinner. Our grocery store is awesome, and it has an olive bar that is super fresh 

Weekly Menu 06.24.18

Weekly Menu 06.24.18

We are in full-on summer mode here in Pennsylvania, but the weather hasn’t been cooperating much. It’s been rainy and a bit chilly – running mid sixties to seventies. I’m not complaining – we had just shy of 200″ of snow this past winter (you