
Weekly Menu 08.26.18

Weekly Menu 08.26.18

We are charging full steam ahead towards September – we cover the 1st in this weekly menu! On Sunday, we celebrate the beginning of the school year with a special Back to School Menu that incorporates the best of a summer picnic with a bit 

Had enough summer? The agony! Labor Day Menu

Had enough summer? The agony! Labor Day Menu

Labor Day Menu? That’s ridiculous. Right? For most of this year, we here in beautiful Erieland have been hearing that we were that close to having had 200 inches of snow during this past winter. Yesterday, the National Weather Service decided to change this total, 

Tempting CrockPot Fire Chicken has a little surprise

Tempting CrockPot Fire Chicken has a little surprise

Tempting CrockPot Fire Chicken has a little surprise: its mellow heat. Not over the top spicy, this easy recipe lends itself well to sandwiches, tacos and salads. It’s low carb and low fat. It is wonderful served with mayo, ranch dressing and served with additional 

Chicken Fried Pork Tenderloin

Chicken Fried Pork Tenderloin

This chicken fried pork tenderloin was pulled together due entirely to necessity: middle son pretty much hangs his head every time I tell him we’re having pork. I made this to prove to him that pork can be downright delicious. I often include pork on 

Sausage Stuffed Peppers

Sausage Stuffed Peppers

Do you want to know how to make sausage stuffed peppers into an easy appetizer? Use little peppers and smother them in cheese. Then serve with cute plates and enjoy the accolades. We normally eat this family favorite as an appetizer, but it makes an 

Weekly Menu 08.19.18

Weekly Menu 08.19.18

Luckily summer isn’t over yet – I am going to fight it kicking and screaming, but school in it’s many forms is starting up for us soon, as it already has for many people. Everybody has their favorite foods around here, so it’s time to