
Chicken Fajita Sheet Pan Salad

Chicken Fajita Sheet Pan Salad

No, the Chicken Fajita Salad isn’t on the sheet pan. The Chicken Fajita Sheet Pan Salad recipe details cooking the chicken and veggies on a sheet pan. Then making a salad of it. Is the title a dangling participle? Or just really confusing? Should it 

Weekly Menu 04.28.19

Weekly Menu 04.28.19

April Showers bring May flowers! You know what Mayflowers bring? Yep. Pilgrims. Moms are not opposed to an occasional bad joke. Plus, that’s the only one I ever remember. We are living the April dream here in Erieland. It is RAINY. And getting more green 

Choppin’ Broccoli Salad

Choppin’ Broccoli Salad

Choppin’ Broccoli and making a jackpot salad~ Many (many) July 4ths ago, we were at a family picnic where someone brought Broccoli Salad. Luckily for me, after my second or {ahem} third helping, the chef of this delightful concoction had to go home and get 

Weekly Menu 04.21.19

Weekly Menu 04.21.19

Weekly Menu 04.21.19 includes EASTER DINNER! One of my favorite holiday celebrations – simple, family oriented and very spiritual. Plus, no more meatless Fridays for a year – unless we want to! One of the best parts about having ham for dinner has to be 

Perfectly Baked Eggs in Cups

Perfectly Baked Eggs in Cups

Perfectly Baked Eggs in Cups: Brunch irresistibly! Baked Eggs may be the perfect brunch dish – you can make them and forget them, and you can prep as many or as few as you want. Everyone can decide how many they want to eat, and 

Strawberry Lemonade Fools Everyone

Strawberry Lemonade Fools Everyone

Homemade or not? Fool everyone with Strawberry Lemonade! If you make it at home, it’s homemade, right? This downright sweet concoction is made with TWO INGREDIENTS. It’s ridiculously sweet and tart and very, very pretty. What it’s not? Homemade. I’m not going to try and