
Tangy Sweet French Chicken

Tangy Sweet French Chicken

Tangy Sweet Chicken Wows With Just 5 Easy Ingredients! Tangy Sweet French Chicken is a super easy take on slow cooking. I know I’m always waxing poetic about my crock-pot (affiliate links follow), but it’s just so handy that I can’t hep it. I love 

20 Seriously Festive Cocktail Recipes

20 Seriously Festive Cocktail Recipes

Seriously festive cocktail recipes for every occasion and holiday throughout the year! Recipes for 21+, please drink responsibly. How do you make it a party? Light a candle and dispense a single, impressive “Cocktail of the Day” along with a few crackers. Add in some 

WEEKLY MENU 10.06.19

WEEKLY MENU 10.06.19

Our Weekly Menu 10.06.19 has a bit of everything to bridge your week! Erieland is on the water (shout out to beautiful Lake Erie!), so bridges are a way of life around here. I love looking at them. That doesn’t mean I have to adore 

How to Have a Screaming Good Halloween Party

How to Have a Screaming Good Halloween Party

Do you want to host a screaming good Halloween Party or simply a great dinner for family and friends? This post is for you. Halloween is on Saturday this year ~ that’s why we can (and should) celebrate big! There’s no point in having a 

Pepperoni Balls are homemade in a pinch

Pepperoni Balls are homemade in a pinch

Pepperoni Balls are easy to make but hard to perfect~ Erie, Pennsylvania, or beautiful Erieland as I like to think of it, has quite a few things that it’s famous for. Some great, like the Lake and these fabulous Pepperoni Balls, and some not quite 

WEEKLY MENU 09.29.19

WEEKLY MENU 09.29.19

Plan your Weekly Menu 09.29.19 and work your plan! Our Weekly Menu 09.29.19 covers the gamut – we have the grill going (thanks Bert!) and we’ve got the crockpot revving up. We’re having Italian, Mexican, Southern Fried and even a little Tex-Mex. We’ve been traveling