
WEEKLY MENU 09.04.22

WEEKLY MENU 09.04.22

Shout out to ALL the laborers during the Weekly Menu 09.04.22~ We’re celebrating Labor Day during the Weekly Menu 09.04.22, which means that summer is slowly coming to a close, although it’s not OFFICIALLY over for another three weeks or so. We get to have 

WEEKLY MENU 08.28.22

WEEKLY MENU 08.28.22

Leaning into the sun during the Weekly Menu 08.28.22 as we say goodbye to August~ We’re making like sunflowers and turning to face the sun during the Weekly Menu 08.28.22 because August is, sadly, coming to an end. I adore sunflowers, and I’m sure this 

WEEKLY MENU 08.21.22

WEEKLY MENU 08.21.22

Baby Boy has been delivered back to school and we’re settling in to the summer bounty during the Weekly Menu 08.21.22 ~ Our farm stands are finally brimming and we’re going to check them out during the Weekly Menu 08.21.22. I LOVE CORN. And I 

WEEKLY MENU 08.14.22

WEEKLY MENU 08.14.22

We’re dropping one of the boysies off at school during the Weekly Menu 08.14.22, unofficially starting the countdown to fall. We’re dropping off Baby Boy at school during the Weekly Menu 08.14.22. It’s hard to believe he’s been home since May. It’s been glorious having 

WEEKLY MENU 08.07.22

WEEKLY MENU 08.07.22

We’re feeling the pinch of late summer during the Weekly Menu 08.07.22~ It’s not actually late summer, of course, but getting our first full week of August in during the Weekly Menu 08.07.22 sure seems like it! It’s all over but the shouting once the 

WEEKLY MENU 07.31.22

WEEKLY MENU 07.31.22

It’s party time during the Weekly Menu 07.31.22! We’re partying hardy during the Weekly Menu 07.31.22. Why? It’s Bert’s Birthday! Hip Hip Hooray! Bert is a little bit of a cake monster, and at his birthday he always (rightly) wants his favorite cake: International Bakery