
WEEKLY MENU 03.12.23

WEEKLY MENU 03.12.23

Saint Patrick’s Day hits during the Weekly Menu 03.12.23, and we’re celebrating with a traditional feast. We’re giving Saint Patrick’s Day a nod during the Weekly Menu 03.12.23 while hoping our esteemed bishop slides a little dispensation our way. The celebration is a little different 

Kitchen Shopping: New Top Five!

Kitchen Shopping: New Top Five!

Did somebody say kitchen shopping? I did! I did! I’ve never been much into kitchen shopping – I’m more of a buyer: when I identify a need, I head for the best outlet to find the same. Even before Covid, most of my shopping was 

WEEKLY MENU 03.05.23

WEEKLY MENU 03.05.23

Do you have better things on your mind than what’s for dinner during the Weekly Menu 03.05.23? We do too! And we’ve got you covered~ In the interest of full disclosure, the following post (for the Weekly Menu 03.05.23) was originally uploaded for March 1st, 

WEEKLY MENU 02.26.23

WEEKLY MENU 02.26.23

Lent is impacting the Weekly Menu 02.26.23 and all the ones coming up for the next six weeks. How is lent influencing the Weekly Menu 02.26.23? We’re going mandatory meatless on Fridays. I’m not going to lie to you – I’ve always felt bad for 

WEEKLY MENU 02.19.23

WEEKLY MENU 02.19.23

We’re seeing the light at the end of the winter tunnel during the Weekly Menu 02.19.23~ Mardi Gras and Ash Wednesday are the spring precursor on the Weekly Menu 02.19.23, but it is COLD around here today. Easter isn’t until six weeks after Ash Wednesday, 

WEEKLY MENU 02.12.23

WEEKLY MENU 02.12.23

We’ve got festivities for days during the Weekly Menu 02.12.13~ We are partying during the Weekly Menu 02.12.23! Hello, Super Bowl Sunday! Hellooo Valentine’s Day! Now, I have to admit, I don’t love either of these celebrations for the actual reason that I’m supposed to.