
WEEKLY MENU 07.30.23

WEEKLY MENU 07.30.23

We’re going PINK during the Weekly Menu 07.30.23~ Why are we pink themed for the Weekly Menu 07.30.23? It’s all Barbie, baby. The singular reason that I was sad about three boys was the fact that we wouldn’t get to indulge in baby girl clothes. 

WEEKLY MENU 07.23.23

WEEKLY MENU 07.23.23

We have a happy (and HUGE) celebration coming up during the Weekly Menu 07.23.23 – it’s so exciting! What is the big celebration during the Weekly Menu 07.23.23? Drum roll, please… Monday is National Tequila Day! I told you it was huge! I’m just going 

WEEKLY MENU 07.16.23

WEEKLY MENU 07.16.23

We’re keeping the kitchen cool during the Weekly Menu 07.16.23. Why are we keeping the kitchen cool during the Weekly Menu 07.16.23? Well, it is summertime, and the heat is high all over the United States, so utilizing the grill and crockpot(s) just makes sense. 

WEEKLY MENU 07.09.23

WEEKLY MENU 07.09.23

National French Fry Day falls on Thursday during the Weekly Menu 07.09.23 and it opens up a whole host of happy menu additions~ The Weekly Menu 07.09.23 could have had multiple potato inclusions regardless of National French Fry Day, but the day makes it even 

WEEKLY MENU 07.02.23

WEEKLY MENU 07.02.23

Big Birthday during the Weekly menu 07.02.23 ~ and we’ve got summer picnic menus for days! The United States of America celebrates the 247th anniversary of the publication of the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain during the Weekly Menu 07.02.23! The Declaration of Independence 

WEEKLY MENU 06.25.23

WEEKLY MENU 06.25.23

National BINGO Day puts in an appearance during the Weekly Menu 06.25.23: time to get a game going~ National Bingo Day is on Tuesday during the Weekly Menu 06.25.23 – sing it with me, won’t you? B I N G O! ~B I N G