
WEEKLY MENU 08.27.23

WEEKLY MENU 08.27.23

The Weekly Menu 08.27.23 is the last menu of August, and we’re talking about sunflowers in commemoration~ It’s a little hard to believe that the Weekly Menu 08.27.23 is the last one for this August, but there it is. Next weekend is Labor Day already! 

WEEKLY MENU 08.20.23

WEEKLY MENU 08.20.23

We’re enjoying one of the seasons best during the Weekly Menu 08.20.23~ We’re savoring one of the bounties of the harvest during the Weekly Menu 08.20.23, which I’m sure you can guess, dear reader, based on the post picture. It’s time for Corn! We would 

WEEKLY MENU 08.13.23

WEEKLY MENU 08.13.23

It’s back to school time for many, and National Back to School Prep Day falls during the Weekly Menu 08.13.23~ The Weekly Menu 08.13.23 encompasses National Back to School Prep Day, which falls on Tuesday, August 15th. This is the first time in a long, 

WEEKLY MENU 08.06.23

WEEKLY MENU 08.06.23

National Book Lovers Day falls on Wednesday during the Weekly Menu 08.06.23: time to peruse some tomes! Every Weekly Menu is impacted by my love of cookbooks, and the Weekly Menu 08.06.23 is no exception. I am an avid reader – when I saw that 

WEEKLY MENU 07.30.23

WEEKLY MENU 07.30.23

We’re going PINK during the Weekly Menu 07.30.23~ Why are we pink themed for the Weekly Menu 07.30.23? It’s all Barbie, baby. The singular reason that I was sad about three boys was the fact that we wouldn’t get to indulge in baby girl clothes. 

WEEKLY MENU 07.23.23

WEEKLY MENU 07.23.23

We have a happy (and HUGE) celebration coming up during the Weekly Menu 07.23.23 – it’s so exciting! What is the big celebration during the Weekly Menu 07.23.23? Drum roll, please… Monday is National Tequila Day! I told you it was huge! I’m just going