Montreal Peanut Sauce

Brazen Condiment Alert: Crazy Peanut Sauce Mixes up Mealtime!

Peanut Sauce is a little down and dirty (4 ingredient!) condiment that’ll go the way of Honey Mustard – right into the condiment hall of fame. Why are we calling it “Montreal Peanut Sauce”? Most of the Peanut Sauce recipes out there are Asian inspired, and while completely delish in their own right, this one is different. (Check out our Asian Peanut Noodles to brush up on those.) This savory sauce is peanut butter based too, but we add in Montreal Steak Seasoning and Worcestershire sauce to make it perfect on burgers.
I know, it sounds weird.
But it is absolutely fabulous. Please give it a try – you’ll be glad you did. Burger night will never be the same! Don’t hold back though – this sauce is great on plain chicken and totally perks up grilled veggies.
Combine all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well with a small whisk (affiliate links follow). That’s all there is to it! You can make the sauce while the burgers are cooking.


You can make it a little thinner if you like by adding more water, a tablespoon at a time, along with a pinch more of Montreal Steak Seasoning.
Spoon this generously over your burgers. These burgers cooked in my favorite Lodge Cast Iron skillet – 12″ size. I sprinkle a little bit of kosher salt in the bottom of the skillet while it is heating. Once the pan is really hot (I let it warm on medium high heat for 4 to 5 minutes) I add the burgers. Then the tough part: not touching them until they have a nice sear on the bottom. Flip once you have nice color on the bottom. Cook until they reach 160 degrees F internally on an instant read thermometer.

We like the red onion addition. A lot. Another nice twist are the Quick Pickled Jalapeno Peppers we have in the fridge. Spicy and a little crunchy.

Montreal Peanut Sauce
- 1/2 cup Peanut Butter, smooth
- 1/3 cup Water
- 1 tbsp Worcestershire Sauce
- 1-1/2 tsp Montreal Steak Seasoning
- Combine all ingredients in small bowl and whisk well. Serve immediately. Stir before serving as necessary.
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