JULY 4th 2021 – Kick up your heels!

It’s a little hard to believe it’s here already, but Welcome, July 4th 2021! Time to kick up your heels (literally – check our game of the day), have a cold bevvie, and enjoy some all-American food. Last year we were all hunkered down (can I get a “Boo” for Covid?) so the opportunity to party like it’s 1776 is very gratifying.
Celebration guideline, no matter if you’ve got 2 or twenty:

In the July 4th, 2019 post, we waxed poetic about the family Wiffle Ball game. In the July 4th, 2020 Covid special, we planned an awesome game of Kick the Can/Capture the flag. This year we’re going to lean into the heat and combine a classic family game with some water sports! How, you ask?
Slip n Slide Kickball!
Yep. Seriously. I have loved kickball since waaaay back in the day – it was a game we always played during the summer with the other kids on the street when we were growing up. We’d pick an intersection, any ball we could find, and then the team building would commence. Size didn’t matter, a powerful kick mattered. I hardly ever missed the ball! Adding a Slip n Slide takes it to a whole other level. As long as you’ve got a backyard with a little room, and enough people to make a team, you are in business!
If you’re a little concerned with how your hips would take to a slide, might I suggest sitting in a lawn chair on the baseline with a bucket full of water balloons? You can be an equal opportunity umpire!
Perfect past-time while we’re waiting for the brisket to smoke!
Is there anything more American than barbecuing? This meal is especially easy because nothing is last minute. Make the Fireball Truffles and the Patriotic Pretzel Toffee Bars the night before. Use red, white and blue candy melts for the Pretzel Toffee Bars, and sprinkle some fabulous Sprinklefetti Patriotic Sprinkles. (Affiliate links precede and follow – See Disclaimer Page for details.) If there are any sprinkles left, they’ll be great for Labor Day too. They look good, but they taste fantastic.

Prep the Blue Cheese Potato Salad and the Berry Feta Spinach Salad (sans dressing) the morning of, and have the youngsters peel the corn on the cob last minute. Put together the Red, White and Blue Board right before the party. What exactly is a Red, White and Blue Board? It’s a cheese board on crack. It’s got fruit, a little candy, and even some pretzels! Check out last years:

Red is the easiest color to find:
- Strawberries
- Radishes
- Red Peppers
- Cherry Tomatoes
- Salsa
- Hot Red Peppers (in their own bowl to not contaminate the rest!)
- Roasted Red Pepper Dip
White(ish) is pretty simple too:
- Yogurt covered pretzels or raisins
- Fresh mozzarella balls
- Cauliflower florets
- Crackers
- Tortilla Chips
Blue is a little more challenging. There really aren’t a lot of natural blue foods.
- Blueberries
- Blue Cheese
- Candy covered in blue foil (that’s a cheat, honestly.)
- M&M’s
- Blue Corn Chips
If you don’t have an enormous platter like we have, spread a big piece of parchment on the countertop or picnic table, and create on top. This is a good one for the kids to help with – have them color coordinate from top to bottom.
July 4th 2021 Cocktail alert:
I was very skeptical when I made the Firecracker Spritzer last year, but I was game. All we would have been out is the run to the liquor store for the Blue Curacao. I did use Fresca (because it’s my fave) but we did everything else by the book (err, recipe) and they came out looking exactly the same as the picture. Check this out:

Of course, I had one and switched over to Mich Ultra. The good news is that we have plenty of Blue Curacao leftover for this year! And next year. Blue Curacao isn’t a huge seller around here.
Decorations are really simple.
If there was ever an occasion that screamed Red Solo Cup, this is it. You can stock up on American Flags from the Dollar Store, and get some fun plates and napkins from the Christmas Tree Store. I love red polka dot napkins and crepe paper. They fit right in but they’re a little different.
Check out The Prudent Penny Pincher for 100 Cheap and Easy DIY 4th of July Decorations. There are some really darling decorations – and some that will keep your little ones out from under foot for hours! Saving by Design has some great 4th of July party ideas too – see for yourself at 15 Frugal and Fun 4th of July Party Ideas. Red, White and Blue never had it so good.
JULY 4TH 2021

We found the dazzling Firecracker Spritzer at A Year of Cocktails. The Berry Feta Spinach Salad is from Carlsbad Cravings.
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