How to Revel in a Special New Years Eve

It’s the end of 2020 – and that absolutely calls for a special New Years Eve party! The best way to make sure you enjoy yourself as well? Make it an intimate, no-worry affair that everyone will remember.

Twenty – Twenty is almost over, thank God. And the (hopefully) roaring Twenty-Twenty One and beyond are set to start. Plan an easy party and invite a small group to keep it intimate. I’d call it for 9 pm – that way no one is rushing around cutting it too close to see the ball drop, but there is plenty of time to enjoy the company. Even if there isn’t ANY company in Times Square.

If you (or your guests) have kids – get a babysitter and have them watch your little people at your house. That way you don’t need to go anywhere to get the kids later, and they’re kept entertained by someone that isn’t you. Ideally, you’ll find a sitter that lives within walking distance or that drives. It’s the little things, am I right?
Decorating for New Years Eve
I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume your home is decorated, at least minimally, for Christmas. That’s PERFECT! I’d ramp up the candles, and turn down the lights. The color (tone?) that goes with most Christmas decorations is GOLD.
Start with some gold balloons and a sequined table runner (affiliate links follow – see disclaimer for details.) Gold Votive Candle (tea light) Holders will sparkle the place up and last for hours. Finish up your decorating with gold napkins and gold plates. Done!
What to Wear?
It’s your party – you get to decide. I think the appropriate way to welcome in a new year is dressed up. Call for cocktail party attire – that is what’s going on. Maybe suggest a color? A white party or a black party is super fun – and everyone can dress up or not – as long as they stay in theme.
Want to break the ice?
Here are some questions to make everyone think and get talking!
- What new skill did you master this year?
- What was the best or worst surprise of the year?
- Give one word that describes this year.
- What is the best advice you got this year – whether you followed it or not?
- Did you try a new favorite food this year?
- What did you accomplish that you are most proud of this year?
- What’s your favorite family memory for the year?
- No resolutions, please, but what one thing do you want to accomplish next year?
Planning ahead will not only make your life easier, it will make the party flow too. I like to have as much ready as I possibly can before the guests arrive. Here’s the strategy:

Simple, right? Let’s get planning!
New Years Eve Party Menu

I found the Holiday Cheese Board at Damn Delicious. The Potato Skin Bites are from Delish, and the White Chocolate Cake is from Baked in Arizona.
Prep the Chicken Bacon Ranch Skewers entirely except for cooking, then put them in the fridge on their baking sheet. Prep the Potato Skin bites the same way – all ready to go, except for the final bake. Use disposable foil baking sheets to alleviate any mess afterwards. Everything else should be tabled before the first guest arrives. Relax and have fun!
You know what goes perfectly with champagne? White, fluffy cake. The cake we’re linking to is fabulous – I make it a lot. But here’s the cake I really want to eat:

A note about the drinks –

We’re calling for champagne, but not everyone drinks sparkling wine. Prep according to your crowd – if you’ve got regular wine drinkers, put some of that in stock. Beer drinkers? Same thing. Plan on people not drinking too – right up and through the toast. Seltzer, sparkling cider or sparkling white apple juice are all good options to have on hand.
If you need something to serve “champagne” in check out these flutes, which are all pretty and fun to drink out of:

If you want something a little more old fashioned (and versatile) check out these “coupes” or “champagne saucers”. I like these because they’re fun to drink out of, plus they’re really versatile. You can serve anything in these – ice cream, fruit, nuts,… you get the idea:

And speaking of drinks and the final ball drop, be sure to prep your toast in advance. Check out “The Best Quotes to ring in the New Year” by Best of Life to get some great ideas.
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