How to Bring Awesome Variety to Low Carb

How to Bring Awesome Variety to Low Carb recipes AND see results – while eating fabulous, tasty dishes.

Low Carb and it’s many iterations have been around for a long time. Why? They work. Maybe not for everyone, but for the “carb-sensitive” among us, they are a boon. I remember my parents going Atkins. It was usually during lent, and their dinner was usually a hamburger patty with a side of cottage cheese. (Unles it was Friday – then it was some stinky fish with cottage cheese.) They did some home improvements then too – probably to keep their minds off what they weren’t eating.
I went all in when I was pregnant with the boysies.
Minimum weight gain was 50 pounds per. I loved being pregnant! The baby weight went, and fast, after I discovered Protein Power, an inspiring read by Michael and Mary Dan Eades. My sister gave it a shot, and she was hooked as well. I lost 60 pounds in three months being very strict. My sister was very, very successful as well.
Low Carb eating had a huge impact on me besides the weight loss. It inspired me to get a little more exercise. I felt better, was more alert, and was surprised to find I didn’t miss the sweets at all. What did I miss? Potatoes. Like a lot. So, inspired by The Rock, I introduced cheat days.
Man, I love a cheat day.
Eating low carb is still my go to, especially after the holidays or in preparation for the summer season. I don’t eat low carb full time – but I do make an effort to pare down the carbs in order to maintain a (semi) reasonable weight. So no matter whether you’re calling it Atkins, Protein Power, Keto or just plain Low Carb, I’ve got your back.
A note about eating low carb when the rest of the family isn’t~
Many of our main dish recipes can be served both ways – add a starch for the rest of the crew, and skip it yourself. Our Boysies love a good roll and some buttered rice. Bump up the veggies and salads on your plate so you don’t feel cheated. They probably won’t even notice if you don’t tell them!
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