Had enough summer? The agony! Labor Day Menu

Had enough summer? The agony! Labor Day Menu

Labor Day Menu? That’s ridiculous. Right? For most of this year, we here in beautiful Erieland have been hearing that we were that close to having had 200 inches of snow during this past winter. Yesterday, the National Weather Service decided to change this total, 

Weekly Menu 08.19.18

Weekly Menu 08.19.18

Luckily summer isn’t over yet – I am going to fight it kicking and screaming, but school in it’s many forms is starting up for us soon, as it already has for many people. Everybody has their favorite foods around here, so it’s time to 

Weekly Menu 08.12.18

Weekly Menu 08.12.18

We are starting to see the end of the summer on the horizon, but we are still grilling and running around like crazy. Everyone is available on Sunday (no work or sports – YAY!) so we are having a big grilled steak salad. To start 

Weekly Menu 08.05.18

Weekly Menu 08.05.18

I’m still making Bert cook any chance I get – so we can enjoy summer inside and outside. We have an absolutely fabulous manufacturer of hot dogs (sausages, deli meat, bacon, ham) here in Erieland that makes the perfect hot dogs:  Smith Provisions. They have 

Weekly Menu 07.29.18

Weekly Menu 07.29.18

We are starting out his week with some fabulous grilled tuna steaks. We are not one of those families where everyone loves everything every time. I make allowances in what I prepare, so on Sunday, a couple of chicken breasts will be on the grill 

Weekly Menu 07.22.18

Weekly Menu 07.22.18

It’s grilling season, so we are still taking full advantage of that, and it shows on the menu. Everything can be made in the oven though, if the weather doesn’t cooperate. We are using the crockpot to keep the kitchen cool and let everybody feed