WEEKLY MENU 08.11.19

WEEKLY MENU 08.11.19

Just because it’s the dog days of summer doesn’t mean we don’t have to eat! Weekly menu 08.11.19 falls smack at the end of the “Dog Days of Summer”. That phrase always evokes heavily breathing dogs, laying in the shade trying to cool down, but 

WEEKLY MENU 08.04.19

WEEKLY MENU 08.04.19

Weekly Menu 08.04.19 helps you avoid the catastrophe of nothing to eat for dinner! August is here. Is it just me or does July go unbelievably fast? We were just celebrating July 4th, and now we’re staring at the start of school. It was a 

WEEKLY MENU 07.28.19

WEEKLY MENU 07.28.19

Screaming into August and the weeks are as busy as ever! Weekly Menu 07.28.19 includes a huge birthday at our house: BERT! Bert’s Birthday has always been easy for me to remember – it’s the same date as my parents anniversary! They’re celebrating in heaven, 

WEEKLY MENU 07.21.19

WEEKLY MENU 07.21.19

Heatwave! Weekly Menu 07.21.19 will keep you out of a hot kitchen~ It’s early for the dog days of summer, but it looks like they’re here, so we’ll make the best of it. Beating the heat is easy here in Erieland – we literally have 

WEEKLY MENU 07.14.19

WEEKLY MENU 07.14.19

When Ella Fitzgerald sang “Summertime and the livin is easy” she was obviously saying it tongue in cheek. Or she didn’t have kids to entertain. Weekly Menu 07.14.19 has a week full of goodness that can be put together around any schedule! I went to 

WEEKLY MENU 07.07.19

WEEKLY MENU 07.07.19

Use our Weekly Menu 07.07.19 to plan for a full week of summer eating! Even though Erieland has an awesome peninsula & beach, we used to head to Folly Beach, South Carolina to enjoy a full week of sun on the sand. There’s just something