Father’s Day – Honor Dad on His Special Day!

Father’s Day – Honor Dad on His Special Day!

Make Father’s Day extra special – with a meal and an awesome gift! Did you know that Father’s Day has only been around for a little over a 100 years in the US? It was established in 1908 in reaction to Mother’s Day. But Europe? 

WEEKLY MENU 05.30.21

WEEKLY MENU 05.30.21

We’re observing Memorial Day this week, which is a solemn United States holiday that heralds the unofficial start to summer. The Weekly Menu 05.30.21 includes plans for Memorial Day, which is a US holiday observed the last Monday in May. It is one of several 

WEEKLY MENU 04.04.21

WEEKLY MENU 04.04.21

Easter starts out the Weekly Menu 04.04.21 with a hop – and we’re eating leftovers, happily. The Weekly Menu 04.04.21 includes a big holiday. Easter is finally here, right in sync with spring. Both are very welcome after this past winter. Despite the winter being 

WEEKLY MENU 03.14.21

WEEKLY MENU 03.14.21

We’re spreading the celebration out over the whole week during the Weekly Menu 03.14.21! Saint Patrick’s Day is here! We’re giving it a nod twice during the Weekly Menu 03.14.21. The celebration is a little different than it was back in the day, but it’s 

WEEKLY MENU 02.14.21

WEEKLY MENU 02.14.21

Weekly Menu 02.14.21 includes a special Valentine’s dinner AND breakfast to celebrate the “loviest” day of the year. I can’t lie – the picture I chose for the Weekly Menu 02.14.21 was selected solely because it had a great heart on it, and it’s Valentine’s 

WEEKLY MENU 12.27.20

WEEKLY MENU 12.27.20

The holidays continue – this week we say goodbye to 2020. That certainly requires some partying! There are as many ways to celebrate as there are people, and we’ve included two that will fit into the Weekly Menu 12.27.20. You can plan an elegant and