WEEKLY MENU 01.01.23

WEEKLY MENU 01.01.23

And… more party days during the Weekly Menu 01.01.23. Champagne is in order for the closing ceremonies. The Weekly Menu 01.01.23 starts out with a bang – literally. New Years Day is traditionally filled with lucky pageantry, and while our menu this year is a 

WEEKLY MENU 12.25.22

WEEKLY MENU 12.25.22

The holidays continue – this week we say goodbye to 2022. That certainly requires some partying! There are as many ways to celebrate as there are people, and we’ve included two that will fit into the Weekly Menu 12.25.22. You can plan an elegant and 

WEEKLY MENU 12.18.22

WEEKLY MENU 12.18.22

Christmas Eve shows up during the Weekly Menu 12.19.22 ~ and we have a full week of dinners to get to! Christmas falls on Sunday during the Weekly Menu 12.18.22, which means the run up to the big day is a full week. We don’t 

WEEKLY MENU 07.03.22

WEEKLY MENU 07.03.22

Our Weekly Menu 07.03.22 includes a meal for the second of the Red White and Blue Holidays ~ It’s Fourth of July time! It’s finally feeling like summer here in Erieland during the Weekly Menu 07.03.22 – the weather is gorgeous, vacationers are filling up 

WEEKLY MENU 04.10.22

WEEKLY MENU 04.10.22

We’re sticking close to home during the Weekly Menu 04.10.22 instead of travelling for the holiday. We’ve learned our lesson! Why are we sticking around beautiful Erieland for the Easter Holiday? Many moons ago (fourteen, to be exact) all five of us travelled to the 

WEEKLY MENU 02.13.22

WEEKLY MENU 02.13.22

It’s a doozy of a week, celebration wise, during the Weekly Menu 02.13.22. Planning makes the play work! What’s going on during the Weekly Menu 02.13.22? Nothing major, it’s just the one-two punch of the Super Bowl and Valentine’s Day. Now, if you’re like us,