Weekly Menu 12.23.18

Weekly Menu 12.23.18

Our Weekly Menu 12.23.18 is full of festive meals for Christmas Week! All our babies are home (YAY!) and we are celebrating in my favorite way: with food. We are starting the week with a (slightly) decadent Italian meal on Sunday. We are mixing things 

Weekly Menu 11.18.18

Weekly Menu 11.18.18

The Weekly Menu 11.18.18 helps plan for one of the best weeks of the year. What’s your favorite part of Thanksgiving? Mine is having family close and enjoying every minute of it, even the hard work. Second, though, is a tie between the Mashed Potatoes 

Weekly Menu 10.28.18

Weekly Menu 10.28.18

BOOOOO: Our Weekly Menu 10.28.18 includes a Halloween Dinner for a fun weeknight at home, hoping for Trick or Treaters. Our house is on a little block – there are only six houses on both sides of the street – so we get very few 

Epic Italian Green Beans Cheer On The Flag

Epic Italian Green Beans Cheer On The Flag

Italian Green Beans are green (duh), red (peppers) and white (Parmesan cheese/onions) just like the Italian flag, and all around delish. Green Beans are my favorite veggie, bar none. I even like the boiled in butter variety you sometimes get on a church buffet. Green 

Twice Baked Savory Sweet Potato Casserole

Twice Baked Savory Sweet Potato Casserole

Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes are so easy they practically don’t need a recipe. They bake, then they get whipped, then they get baked some more. Instead of putting them back in their skins, we put them in a casserole that can be held easily before 

Had enough summer? The agony! Labor Day Menu

Had enough summer? The agony! Labor Day Menu

Labor Day Menu? That’s ridiculous. Right? For most of this year, we here in beautiful Erieland have been hearing that we were that close to having had 200 inches of snow during this past winter. Yesterday, the National Weather Service decided to change this total,