WEEKLY MENU 06.30.24

WEEKLY MENU 06.30.24

Huge Birthday during the Weekly Menu 06.30.24 ~ plus easy meals all week! The United States of America celebrates the 248th anniversary of the publication of the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain during the Weekly Menu 06.30.24! The Declaration of Independence was announced on 

WEEKLY MENU 06.16.24

WEEKLY MENU 06.16.24

We’re celebrating Dads during the Weekly Menu 06.16.24, and having a fun dinner “out”~ Our Weekly Menu 06.16.24 includes a big, shouted, “Happy Father’s Day” to all the dad’s out there! As of January 2022, it’s estimated that there are approximately 72 million fathers in 

WEEKLY MENU 05.26.24

WEEKLY MENU 05.26.24

We’re observing Memorial Day this week, a solemn US holiday that heralds the unofficial start to summer. The Weekly Menu 05.26.24 includes plans for Memorial Day, which is a United States holiday observed the last Monday in May. It is one of several holidays that 

WEEKLY MENU 05.05.24

WEEKLY MENU 05.05.24

Start the Weekly Menu 05.05.24 with a Fiesta! The Weekly Menu 05.05.24 kicks off with Cinco de Mayo! Around here, Mexican food vies with Italian food as the family favorite. Certainly, it takes the lead in late-night eating. (Shout out to Taco Bell!) (Affiliate links 

WEEKLY MENU 03.17.24

WEEKLY MENU 03.17.24

Saint Paddy’s Day falls on Sunday during the Weekly Menu 03.17.24~ Weekly Menu 03.17.24 starts with the big day: Sunday is Saint Patrick’s Day, although most people of good taste will celebrate it for several days before. It’s not quite as much fun as it 

WEEKLY MENU 02.04.24

WEEKLY MENU 02.04.24

Embracing all things February during the Weekly Menu 02.04.24~ February is in full swing during the Weekly Menu 02.04.24, so we’re embracing all the things that make it so special. For a month that is only shorter by a few days (and less so this