Bring Your Own Lobster – Feast for Free!

It’s Shindig Time! Everyone picks out and brings their own lobster (or steak if they’re no fun). We boil the lobster, grill the steaks and eat dinner under the fabulous twinkle lights on the patio. That’s a party. And it doesn’t cost the host an arm and a leg.

After I graduated from college in Boston, I worked at a bank up there. The pay was beyond abysmal, but Boston is Boston, and the crowd I worked with were some of the best. One Saturday Night I was invited to a “Lobsta’ Boil”, and was told to bring a lobster with me.
Best Damn Lobster I’ve ever had.
They fitted a metal garbage can over a propane tank (somehow) and the water was boiling up a storm. They threw in potatoes and corn on the cob to go with the lobster. And we had ice cold beers. Boy did we have ice cold beers. I wanted to know how they were going to be able to tell which lobster was mine. They laughed at me.
Not much says summer better than a lobster boil – and there aren’t many easier ways to entertain.
Planning Reminder, no matter how many people are bringing lobsters:

You might need some equipment:
You need a BIG pot to cook the lobster in. If you don’t have one, first ask around to see if anyone else might have one sitting around that would work. We have one in the basement that’s been down there since we cleaned out my parents house. Nineteen years ago.
If not, check the restaurant supply houses around you. This pot does not need to be super fancy or have any bells or whistles – you just need something big enough that you can boil water (and lobsters) in. (Affiliate links follow – see disclaimer page for details.)

In the old days, we would have had races before cooking them, but I’ve heard that’s in bad taste, so we’ll probably skip that part. You can cook them outside with this kind of setup:

But it’s pretty pricey – so we’ll boil ours on the stove. A little less authentic, but much easier.
Getting IN the lobster is important
So you need some crackers. Everyone can share though – you don’t need one for each person. Check around for these too – see if you can borrow some. They might even have these at the Dollar Store. Get out your kitchen shears too – they are a big help here as well.

Speaking of getting in to the lobster, check out this super helpful video on the how-to’s of good lobster eating. (From Serious Eats on You Tube.)
If you’re really, really getting into the lobster, you need bibs too. Everyone should wear one – they’re just a good time. Don’t forget to put a couple rolls of paper towels on the table for clean up too.

Ready for the menu?

The Cheesy Garlic Biscuits are from Vintage Recipe Tin. The fabulous (not quite Caesar) Parmesan Dressing is from A Fork’s Tale. And the directions for the Butter Steamed Potatoes are from Deep South Dish.
Berry Vodka Spritzer
I make a syrup from sugar free drink mix for the Berry Vodka Spritzer: one cup of water with one sleeve of either Wyler’s Light or Crystal Light canister drink mix (each packet would have made an entire pitcher). Add one tablespoon of the syrup into a tall glass with plenty of ice, some vodka and some seltzer water for a refreshing drink. The quantities of each are up to you. The raspberry flavor is my current favorite. (Fruit Punch would be nice too – maybe with rum instead of vodka?)
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