Breakfast Hash

This breakfast staple is a quick and easy combination of meat and potatoes. It makes a nice presentation on the brunch table. Ideally, poached eggs will top, but at our house, scrambled eggs are the universally eaten egg, and go well too. This hash is made from ham, which we had frozen after Easter, and thawed for the ham and cheese sliders on the menu from Friday night. We ended up getting four meals from the ham – not bad for us!

Breakfast Hash
Servings: 8 serving
This is a brunch recipe that uses leftover ham, but any other cooked leftover meat would work too
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- 1 medium Onion
- 1-2 pounds Ham
- 3-4 white Potatoes
- 2 tablespoons Olive Oil
- 1 tablespoon Butter
- 1 teaspoon Garlic Powder
- Salt & Pepper to taste
- Wash potatoes well, pierce with knife and cook in microwave on high for 5-7 minutes, turning once, until softened but not cooked through. Cut into 1/2" pieces.
- Peel and chop onion into 1/4" dice. Cut ham into 1/2" pieces.
- Heat a large cast iron skillet or similar over medium high heat. Add about a tablespoon of oil and butter to hot skillet. Add onions, salt lightly, and saute until translucent, about 5 minutes. Add potatoes, piling in middle of skillet. Add the remaining oil on top of the potatoes, and sprinkle with garlic powder and salt to taste. Go easy - the ham will be salty.
- Toss potatoes and spread over skillet. This is the hard part: DO NOT TOUCH POTATOES for at least 5 minutes, so they have the opportunity to brown and crisp well. Once the potatoes are well browned, add ham to skillet.
- Brown ham for a minute of two more, adding a bit more oil if skillet is dry. Cover skillet with lid or foil for 5 minutes to meld flavors and warm through. The hash can be removed from heat and will hold well for 15 minutes or so from this point, and can be reheated as necessary.